[location: right here]
[now playin': No one - Alicia Keys]
This week has been quite a turmoil I'd say. I reckon my insomnia is getting from bad to worse! I've been oh so emotional at the slightest shit remarks. (That's why I mentioned that I'm emotionally unstable in my previous post.)
Anyway, I've been wanting to blog about this topic,
- The 5 types of sizes of people
(the awfully bony ones who look like they've been starving for the last 10yrs)
- The slightly below average weight
- The average
- The Slightly Above average weight , and
- The Above average
"Chopstick", the slightly below and (some) average weight people continuously and constantly bring the people who are slightly above average weight and those above average down by hurting them with freaking insensitive words and some, even hurling abuses at them.
These people think that they're SO DAMN HOT that they are blinded by their "HOTNESS" and outer beauty that they become so bloody ignorant to other's feelings. They only see the negative and not the positive of these people. Yes, these skinny chopsticks and slightly below average and even the average weight people are pretty on the outside. But have you seen their inside? I dare say that at least 70% of these people are not as "hot" and nice inside as their are on the outside. They have obviously not tried to put themselves in others shoes before making such insensitive, ridiculous, stinging and disgusting comments about others that aren't as thin as them.
Someone once said, "Fat people can't dance for nuts!"
Yes, it was a skinny "gala" that passed this comment. Well, let it be clear that this is SO NOT TRUE! You must be really dumb. No kidding. I dare say that Fat people CAN dance and not only that. They can dance MUCH BETTER than MANY skinny chopsticks can even though these people are in dance troupes/clubs. I can name a whole list! Don't look down on people. You aren't GOD. Yes, humans judge by nature. We pass hurtful comments. But think about it. Sometimes you gotta take a step back and look at the whole picture from a whole new perspective. These asswipes pass just comments that hurt the "horizontally" challenged ones that these people lose self-confidence that they don't have the guts to dance for fear that the "chopsticks" would laugh at them and pass horrid comments.
These people want to have a life that is not this mentally and emotionally traumatising you know. It's not as if there isn't enough hardship in life without such insensitive people opening their wide gaps to pass retarded and cutting remarks.
- WHY?
Yes, I'm blogging about this because I feel this isn't fair. You can't keep judging people by their weight/size. I know. And it sucks. I'm slightly above weight and I get shit. I can't imagine how those people who are above weight face life. Seriously, I really salute them for facing this cruel world so bravely and all. And it isn't as if those "chopsticks" are better in EVERY WAY!
And this ISN'T jealously but a FACT!
For me, I can openly say that I've put on SO MUCH weight since primary school because I had alot of problems with secondary school in year one that I resorted to using food to gain comfort. Yeah these foods are call, "Comfort food". It ain't healthy. I know. And it's not as if I don't wanna break this habit. But it isnt as easy. And yeah, I hate running. I don't mind sports or PT but I totally hate running. I've hated running since young. So the fact that I have to make time to go jogging is a BURDEN for me.
Many of those people who are slightly or above average weight suffer because of comfort food and cravings. However, I know a few who actually turn vegetarian and go to the gym weekly to cut down on their weight. Some resort to slimming pills. This isn't an easy task you know. I know because I too am trying and I've shed some weight (and hopefully it remains this way).
Yeah. when you people say, "OMG. You're so fat" or "Omg. That person is so fat!" We can pretend to be like,"Haha. So what?" and laugh it off. But if you look in our eyes, you can see the hurt we feel. You can go,"Who cares! Look she's laughing it off. She's not even bothered by it" but can you sincerely say that you know that we're find deep down inside?
& I dare say you CAN'T!
This is especially terrible for us girls. You guys are so effing insensitive. But I won't only blame guys because the "CHOPSTICK" girls are also the same. We girls are VERY SENSITIVE about our weight and what guys say. Even if a guy were to go up and tell a "chopstick" girl that she's fat, she'd turn bulimic or like anorexic. So what more us girls that are slightly & above average weight?
Thankfully for me, I'm not one who resorts to turning bulimic or anorexic just to shed that weight. I mean yes, sometimes I do wish I had an anorexic person's eye so I'd be so frightened that I won't eat. But to think about it, why make yourself suffer so much?
For the CHOPSTICKS, slightly thin and average(both males&females):
If you haven't thought of the consequences of what your words have done to someone who isnt as thin as you, well, this is the right post for you! Your words are so cutting that it leaves a scar in a person's heart. These words would most probably cause paranoia, depression or worse, it'd be brought by this person into adulthood. Some people might even go mental. Yes, that's how monstrous and dangerous your words are. NO, I AM NOT EXAGGERATING!
So now, before you open your wide gap, listen to yourself and think about the other person's feeling. Don't be so freaking self-centered. It's disgusting, seriously!
For those that have suffered due to the cruelty of the world:
Ignore such people. Seriously, I know it's hard. I know. I'm facing it too. But I'll succeed. I swear i will. Don't give up no matter how much people hurt you verbally. Show them what we can do. Don't let them look down on "FAT" people! LET'S show them! :) Just don't do silly things and even think of slimming pills. I know it's tempting. But DON'T! Just dont!!
With this, I end my post.
Hopefully, it'd knock some bloody sense in all those insensitive and moronic people(and their block-headed brain)!
Nurdiyana Tan YanYan