Monday, November 24, 2008

[mood: over the moon!]
[now playin' Right here, Right now - Vanessa & Zac]


And mummy and I couldn't go to M'sia cos I was stopped at the immigration cos my passport expired. HAHAHAHA! OMG LA! I was so damn funny! SERIOUSLY! And the funniest part was when I had to report to the guy on duty...

Guy: Can I please see your passport?
Me: Yeah. *hands passport*
Guy: *looks at my name and starts talking to me in chinese* Are you alone?
Me: *replies in chinese* No. I'm with my mum.
Guy: *still talks in chinese* Oh. where is she?
Me: *looks around* There!
Guy: *looks at my mum and continues talking to me in chinese*

DAMN FUNNY! I mean, c'mon! he saw my name and It's a malay name and he talked to me in chinese. My mum and I kept laughing. Then..

Mummy: He's very nice. But why does he keep talking to you in chinese? HAHA
me: I don't know. haha. Yeah. handsome too!
mummy: Yeah. True. Next time you must get this kind of boyfriend. 
me: right. Whatever. 

My mum and her nonsense. But I must admit. That guy's handsome. Haha. And he looks pretty young. I mean all the other people on duty are all like...LAO UNCLE you know? Hahah! So we went to CWP to get presents and I've spent like......$50+++++ Ohmygosh! We bought ALOT of presents. I wonder....since when have i turned so.....GENEROUS?! And I bought for myself a pink (something) which I can't mention here. Cos I bought Mel, Crist & Sarah the thing as well and I know DAMN well that they'll love it. 

Anyway, I'm gonna write ALOT about my work.

First, I've made SO MANY new friends that have been really sweet to me. (They sweep and mop my department for me.) And these two MAIN people are guys. HAHA. Actually, I'm a teensy weensy embarrassed that they can sweep and mop the floor whereas I can't. (LOL). Okay. So I'm gonna list down their names (according from the ones that I'm close to to the ones i'm not THAT close to) Shan Shan, Joel, Wei Chong, Felicia, Chia Hui, Jing Yi, Daniel, Candice, Esther, Yvonne, Jason, Sheau Peng and 3 more that i can't rmb their names. HAHA. I'm really fortunate cos my work place is always ever so entertaining! And Joel & Wei chong are always making me laugh and laugh until I could laugh no more. And I finally found a guy who gossips as much as me - WEI CHONG! HAHAHA. DAMN FUNNY! He was literally bitching about this Ah Beng. And Joel is one guy who is always running here and there and he is always entertaining me when I'm promoting the I-pen or just walking around tryna find things to do. He'll end up playing with the pen and chit-chatting with me. Shan Shan and I were nearly in trouble cos we always talked and talked and talked. HAHA. We're both Libras & she was born on the 18th of October! Like WOW! HAHA. Chia Hui is a Malaysian girl who knew me wayy before I knew her. Whenever we talk, we'll mix english, chinese and malay together in our conversation. She's a really nice girl. Daniel is as funny and irritating as Daniel Tan (my evil twin) and tht's why he's entertaining! Daniel & Candice also knew me wayyy before I knew them. And they call me YanYan instead of Diyana. Haha. Felicia always talks to me when we wrap up books and we'll chit chat non-stop. And Esther is always happy when I'm working with her cos she can talk to me. Haha. Sheau Peng is my supervisor for my department.


I'M SERIOUS! I mean 3/4 of the people there know my name but I've never talked to them. I guess people are talking about me. Haha. And it seems like the fact that I'm the only Malay & the only Mix around there just makes people even more curious about me. Haha. Did I mention even our meetings in the morning are in mandarin?! L.O.L! And now I'm even more popular with all the rumours going around about me being a couple with a colleague that I'm close to (I'm not naming names here!). I mean the rumour has it that this person told a colleague that he likes me and asked that guy to find out if I had a bf. And the other story was that this person said I like him and asked someone to find our if I've a bf. And that's not the full story yet (or at least I think so!) cos apparently I'm being kept in the dark. I dont even know what the hecks going on. EVERYONE seems to know about it except for me. It's flattering and irritating cos I'm the one who does the gossiping and not being kept in the dark. 

Oh and thanks Crist, Eddie & Reezal for giving me a surprise visit!! :) 

OH YES! Talking 'bout that. Reezal came to pay me a visit yesterday and Everyone though he was my bf -.- thats when a "somebody" got jealous. And a colleague asked about Reezal. And of course I said he's just a friend! DUH! Then...

[M - Me
S - Someone
WC - Wei Chong
E - Esther
O - Others]

(M&S chit chatting)
WC: *speaks in Mandarin* Eh. she got no bf leh! 
M: *acts blur and attends to a customer*
M: *acts blur* Eh eh! Who WC talking about? tell me la! Haha
S: *blushes* I dont know leh..
M: We're not doing anything....*walks away*
S: *blushes* Eh. what were you saying? Say leh. 
M: I asked and you didnt reply. So I've nothing more to say. Maybe I should get busy.
S: Eh. Don't be angry la..
M: I'm not angry la. Haha.

WC, E & O: Eheh. They together down there leh! *points at us*
S: *blushes* Okay la. Don't be angry la. :)
M: *pretends i didnt hear anything*

That's when things became really weird. I shan't go on cos I don't feel like telling the world what happened. HAHA. OH! And the funniest part was that Reezal was that person's primary schoolmate! HAHAHAHAHA. Damn funny! So when I rushed out of work to meet Diana, Everyone was like, "Eh. where is she rushing to?" Then they heard me talking then they were like, "I think she's with her bf. OH!!! You (referring to that SOMEONE) no chance la!" Ask Diana. She heard them. LOL. Shan Shan also knew what happened. And she said she wasn't surprised cos the person and I seem to really talk alot & get along very well. 

Right now, I'm just going with the flow. I'm being very laid back, I know. And you know what? I think that right now, I'm just so tired that I'm done. I'm just going to relax and like what Crist says, see where I end up and who I end up with. I'm done trying to figure out what's going on. I'm just going to work as per usual and have fun (I ALWAYS DO!). But I love my work la. I have fun. The company's awesome. I'm practically being paid to get bored. And the best part is that........


Like alot. Seriously. My clothes prove it all! You see, I bought a pink shorts like a few days before I started work and I fitted me just nicely and today, when I wore it, I didnt even need to unbuckle it to remove it cos it was already dropping off my bum! And I've lost ALOT of tummy fat. HAHAH. And that makes me happy. And like DUH i've lost weight! I hardly even eat a single meal in a day! All I have for the whole day is just soya milk. That's why Shan Shan, Daniel, Jing Yi, Wei Chong & Joel think that I'm starving myself and that I'm crazy. HAHA. I'm not doing this to lose weight. It's just that I don't have any appetite and for goodness sake...........


Haha. what proper & healthy food is there?! TSK TSK. And so I'm on THE road to losing weight. OH btw, I bumped into Mr Dinesh that day. Haha. whadda small world. And I was at CWP when I bumped into Miss Hawa and another teacher. Haha. 

I haven't cried in a while. And that's great news. Oh! I've caught the bug! I've been Coughing & sneezing! Haha. How am I supposed to survive work? Haha. Thankfully i'm off again tomorrow! 


Actually, I really can't wait to get back to work. As crazy as it sounds, it's true. I've got nothing to do. HAHA. :D And at least I've got a bunch of crazy people to entertain me at work. 

Okay. I feel really sick right now. But I feel like calling people up for a slumber party. 

"Okay, shut up diyana! You Gotta rest! Your nose is so red that you can compete with Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer! TSK TSK!!"