Thursday, November 13, 2008

[mood: relaxed]
[now playin': In a Second - Aly & AJ]

My life's been a living hell for the past 2days. Yeah. Like life really sucked. But I'm better now. 

I went out with Tabbs to go for my dental appointment and lunch at Ramen Ten yesterday. We were like walking Zombie's cos my eyes were still slightly swollen from all the crying the night before. I couldn't cheer her up and she couldn't cheer me up cos we were going through the same shit and we felt like crap. Yeah. So emo right? Haha.

Y'all are in luck cos I'm in a good mood and I'll upload most of the photos today. :)

And Yesterday, (i mean today. No yesterday's today. Okay, whatever.) I cried a whole 4 hours straight and that was when Crist & Sarah came over at 9+pm for my Belated "party" with my special cake, a huge bottle of coke and icecream. And as much as I said, "I'm fine", I ended up crying hysterically and pouring everything that I've been bottling up out. I swear I felt so much better! Then when Mel came, she hugged me so tightly that I cried even worse and this time, EVERYONE cried along with me. Haha. It was a group hug&cry moment. And I felt so much better. And when Mel cried, we had another crying session cos all of us cried along with her. We felt her pain, really. I was loss. I was in a mess and I dint know what to say to cheer her up. We talked about guys and all. And Sarah was like, "Can we eat now?" HAHAH! That girl's worse than me man! Haha. So we all ran to the kitchen to grab the cake before sarah got her hands on them cos the "chance of survival" of the cake was very low. Haha! So we had a picnic in my room where I CLEARLY said, "DO NOT SPILL ANYTHING or'll have to lick it off the floor!" I was kidding about the licking part luh. haha. And in the first half hour, SARAH JOAN SOH SPILL HER COKE ON THE FLOOR! Hahah. That woman uh!

OH YEAH! Before we ate, I said, "hey yall, since we're all already crying and all, what's one more right?" So I passed Sarah my cellphone to text a particular person. [I don't think it's a good idea to mention his name here. :)] And since mel was on the phone, I was telling that to the other two and they said, "We're right here for you!" And yeah..I was really expecting a nightmare.

So in the meant time while we were waiting for a reply, we ate the cake that Cristy and Sarah made for me WITHOUT baking. Cool right? And it was SO NICE! There was chocolate, nuts and And we had soda floats too! I've put on weight. Just as I lost weight! Haha. And we watched Prom Night. I'm getting sick of that show. Haha.

Sarah: Ohmygosh la! I don't like this la! So Scary!
Crist: *imitates sarah* So Scary!!
Mel: *laughs loudly!*

That woman uh! I dont know man! She's such a comedian and she doesnt know that! Hahah. And then....there was a message. Sarah took my phone to read the message and passed it to everyone BUT me. And then I read it and I went to my tagboard using my phone's internet (my mum is gonna kill me when she sees my bill!) to read it. Then I passed my cellphone to Crist to help me reply. Cos apparently I didnt know how to react so I dint know what to say. Then we continued the movie with screams in between that were mostly sarah's! Haha. And then came another reply and then there was silence between us when I opened the msg. I read and I couldn't react, AT ALL. Haha. I was literally, stunned. So it took me quite sometime to absorb the message. But I was fine. Maybe I had company thats why. But I prepared, which was good. And things did go my way cos I finally found out how strong was my friendship with this person. :) And then we went back to the screams of Sarah. Haha. After the movie, we clear the food and took photos and that was when my mum asked up to keep our volumes VERY LOW. haha. Our photos were so retarded thanks to sarah who kept moving before the photo was saved and me cos I kept changing poses at the last minute. HAHA. And then when my mum screamed at me to keep our volumes down cos it was like 2am(?), we decided to stop our photo taking session and instead, crash on my bed for some deep conversation. So I told them how I was feeling and we talked about the people in our school and about the facts about guys and stupid things. We had a great talk. Crist, Sarah & mel had a "Stayover" but not a "sleepover" at my place. Cos they stayed till 4+am beefore they crashed at Crist's place to sleep cos my mum needed to wake up at 5am and din't want any sleepover until next week when she's not working. So yeah. We slept on my bed weirdly. Sarah slept on Mel's knee and I slept on Crist's back. Hahah! We all had a good chat until Sarah said, "Eh wait, I need to change positions." That's when all of us burst out laughing hysterically! Haha. She was damn funny. And everyone was hungry EXCEPT for me. I felt like puking cos I ate heavy lunch and I'm not used to eating anything at night now. And I ate alot. Haha. So they left at 4am. Haha. It was frigging late, no, early! Haha. We had a great time.

Girls, maybe a proper stay over/sleepover soon alright?

(When I'm not working that is!)

haha. Did I mention that I'm half asleep right now? I shouldnt have woken up at 12nn! I should have woken up at like 2.30pm or smth! But I was supposed to go for tennis with crist until we both realised we were DAMN SHAGGED! So it's postponed to tomorrow morning and I'll go jogging with diana in the afternoon. Hmm...maybe I should go jogging later since I'm doing nothing and I ate two meals yesterday which means I've gotta burn the excess carbs and calories. Let's hope at 4pm it doesn't rain so i can go jogging. I don't mind if it's very windy though. :)

And I just realised that the big Winnie The Pooh bear that Fizz, ben & bolang gave to me yesterday is still all wrapped up cos I can't bear to unwrap it. LOL.


You have a humongous soft toy that you can't bear to unwrap for a year already! -.-"

But at least I look at it every night before i sleep to remind myself of last year. Haha.

Okay, So I'll end off today with a happy and relaxed note. Hopefully, everyday will be this happy for me.

Enjoy the pictures! :D