Monday, December 01, 2008

[mood: sleepy]


Will someone please tell me why the hell I'm awake so effing early on my off day when I slept at 2am yesterday!? 


Saturday was awesome! Most of the HOD a.k.a Supervisors for the respective departments weren't working and there were only a few people working. Shan Shan came to work too! :) Daniel and Wei Ming were making me laugh and laugh. We gossiped and gossiped. And we even had a mini popcorn feast in the office! Haha. Yeah. there were 2 supervisors that weren't strict and they joined in too! The great part was that FINALLY Shan Shan and I had the same break time so we did our gossiping over lunch at KFC. *grins*

Yesterday was an awfully long day! Goodness! Yesterday was a "I CANNOT GET ALONG WITH GUYS" day. Yes. I'm serious. Okay, it all started when Wei Chong asked me out for lunch. And then I had to stare and starve while he was eating so frigging happily. 


Had it been a date, I would have been an "ANTI-KOH WEI CHONG" for life! Cos apparently he brought me to a Kopitiam which didnt have a single Malay stall but he was so confident they had! And as everyone who's been reading my blog knows, I DON'T EAT AT KOPITIAMS! ARGH! And so I had not eaten since lunch the previous day and I was literally starving. And then.... Joel came to work and I was complaining to Wei Chong about me starving and apparently Joel was staring at Wei Chong and Wei Chong said something about not wanting to get between Joel and I. 


And when I asked if he wanted to join Shan Shan and I for dinner....

WC: Don't talk to me. Joel keep staring at me and you la. Wait he jealous. Later then talk.

And he walked away. I was effing talking to him! And one thing  can't stand the most is people walking away when I'm talking to them. So I went for dinner with Shan Shan. And then came back just to see Wei Chong starving (Or at least I think so). And he was questioning me where I went and all. And I was still so pissed that I simply refused to talk to him. And so a "Cold War" started. And Joel was so puzzled why Wei Chong didn't mention my name and why I didn't go to his department to chit-chat (as I normally would). And then Joel was teasing me about me being slackish. And I threw a glare at him. I so couldn't stand guys. I was being, three words - A MEAN BITCH. Wei Chong was just playing along until he couldn't take it and purposely bumped into me and blocked me from going anywhere until I pushed him away. I admit, I was being effing childish but it was his fault for being a jackass. I remained pissed with wei Chong for a whole 7 hours! Hahah. & In the end, we're fine! :) 

Haha. Stupid right? So Joel, Wei Chong & I went home tgt. And like Joel called and we talk for nearly 2 hrs. Talk and talk until most probably I dont want to talk to him ever again. HAHA. YEAH RIGHT! That won't happen cos although I'm not working today, I'm going to popular to get some stuffs and most probably, see Joel. He was asking me to join him and his group of friends to play pool. Like OMG. I don't know any of his friends luh! Awkward much. Maybe if Wei Chong's going, I'll go. But then again, I'll be the only girl and I'm only close to Jo & WC. So....i'll think about it.

And their department is so....GOSSIPY! Wei Chong say's I'm with Joel and Joel says I'm with Wei Chong. -.-" 

"Close to a guy = You are in a relationship with that guy"

"Not close to a guy = Enemies will end up as a couple"

Such stupid logics. I mean I won't deny that there's truth in those statements but it's not like that all the time! GEE! What's wrong with some people?! TSK TSK TSK.

Anyhoos, there's a class BBQ Next tuesday, 9th Dec. Daniel was so nice to push it to a day where I'm off. HAHA. He's become Mr. Nice Guy. Even on the phone man! Haha. So....I do hope everyone can join in the fun! Hope to see all 43e-ians ONLY on that day!

PS. Mr Lathif's also coming for the BBQ and Dan's parents are paying for the whole thing. So come on down and join! :D