[mood: unfeeling]
[location: where i've always been]
[now playin': inconsolable - backstreet boys]
Mit's working so Tennis is off, AGAIN! :( I'm dying for tennis luh!!!! Anyhoos, meeting up with tabbs soon. Don't know where to go so I'm just gonna dress up (like i always do, DUH). And later in the evening maybe I'll go jogging...with eddie? LOL. Yeah...maybe. On second thoughts, no. He'll leave me behind. LOL. Okay, whatever. -.-
Well, well, well. Whadda know? The year 2008 has finally come to an end. I can still remember myself whining in the beginning of this year saying,
"I CAN'T WAIT TO GET O LEVELS DONE & OVER WITH! When is the year gonna end?!"
And TA-DAH! It's the last day of the year. I gotta admit, it feels prettaye weird not being part of the bustling crowd of those last minute school book shoppers. It feels even weirder that I'm not going back to school no more. Which in which case, of course paints a wide grin on my face. And time passes so fast that I've already been working for nearly 2months!
This year has been prettaye much eventful. So many memories of both the good and bad, sad and happy. Ones that I'll cherish, moments i'd look back on in the near future. New friendships forged. Just thinking about it makes me smile and think of all that's happened to me. I found love, lost love, been the heartbroken & heartbreaker, found who are those that are worthy of the title, "MY BEST FRIEND(S)". Realised how much some people are to me. I regretted certain decisions which I ended up giving up after weighing the possibility of the outcome happening even if I did not make that decision. Had huge arguments. Felt like walking out on alot of friendships. And not to mention, this year was basically the....
Let's just hope that my results will be favorable and I wont disappoint mummy, bro, sis and not to mention, MYSELF! I did put in alot of effort and I really wanna do well. I never really even studied this hard for my PSLE la!
(Maybe that's why I ended in CSS and not in TKGS or RGS!)
I've done so many wrong things and made up for them. I said many harsh and crude things that now, to think of it, I do regret saying all that. But there's no way I can take them back. I've neglected and took for granted people who are so close and good to me. I've improved in my Malay and Mandarin although I still sound like a foreigner speaking Malay. LOL. I've learn to be more whacky, hardworking, less playful (although I'm still working on my playfulness) and gettin' my head in the game.
Hence, I promise to be a better person in 2009!
I SWEAR! *proves no fingers crossed*
Loadsa Loves,
Yan Yan