Let's start with...
Now that that's done, I wanna say to that SOMEONE ...
Today marks 1month. It's been awesome and not to mention, memorable. But it's been 5 days. 5 terribly hard-to-overcome days. And I'm surviving. I'm starting to wonder if I really have become too independent to need or even want a guy.. And You've been busy with school and I, with work and all. Are we really able to overcome them all? I know I sound like I have no faith, to be honest, I doubt I have any to begin with. But being with you just makes me smile so much that my cheekbones hurt! HAHA. Things are getting more stable, thankfully. Thanks for letting me know how much I mean to you. Thanks for being so stubborn to not want to top up your card and use your friend's to call me. Thanks for making time for me no matter how many shit projects you've gotta do. Thanks for always looking at me eat and tease me (leavin' me red-faced). Thanks for all those "imma knock some sense into ya" lectures. :)
OKIE DOKIE! I'm gonna go to Singapore Poly tomorrow with Shan Shan after meeting someone who apparently has projects to do and if I'm able to, have dinner with Alvin. HAHA. I've been to many Polytechnics these past 2 days and I must say, NP has the most amount of drop-dead gorgeous guys! Haha. I'm not kiddin'! TP has alot of gorgeous girls. So Ben, if you want to see chio bu, go to TP. LOL. NP and TP has made a really GREAT impression on mummy & I. And NYP? OMG MAN! I have nothing to say about their open house. To make things worse, I saw only 2 handsome guys and a whole load of bengs. LOL. Apparently YongGui dint have school, so we didn't get to meet and Alvin was rushing to have dinner with his buddies, which also means we didnt meet. I still like NP more. I can't say anything about SP since someone will be really furious that I'd rather go to NP than SP. But, NP has so many things to attract me with! And SP? Only the fact that they have kBox there attracts me. Oh and YOU being there also attracts me luh. But NP.....is like....
WOW WHEE~! *jaw-drops*
They even have a 5week course to Boston! FRIGGIN' CRAP! I WANT! Haha. My mum saw how keen I was, so did the lecturers I talked too. The lecturers there were really friendly and all. And yeahh...I really hope to get in there! YONG GUI! I WANNA BE A PSYCHOLOGIST!! So open a clinic for me! Haha. Kiddin'! Now, now, I still wanna be a lawyer but right now, I think I wanna settle for a teacher or a psychologist-in-training. And of course, have my modules in Boston baby! =D Dont be jealous that I wanna get into the place with hunks! HOHO~! My mum was laughing when she saw this cute guy come up to talk to me about his CCA. I stopped and was stunned and she left me there to talk to him. HAHAHAH! Funny shit!