mood: shag
location: another state of my mind
now playin': Qin Ai De Na Bu Shi Ai Qing - Angela zhang
Had an awesome work out, crashed at S's and it was really cozy. Bathed there and had instant noodles and chillax-ed there. It really felt like we were sisters. :) To think the three of us started out as arch enemies!! Haha. Look at we are now! That's why all my bfs need their approval and Ben's before anything can develop. They're THAT important to me. So yeah. We've even had plans about what's gonna happen to us like 10years down the road. I'm so happy today! :)
Oh and Crist said I looked like a sporty, girly, Barbie doll cos I was dressed sportily and in all pink. HAHAH!!! I should go get some rest now. I'll just upload the photos and let them do the talking. =)
PS. C, please help me upload all the photos on my blog right now (including those in my other posts) on FB k? PLEASE PLEASE! Xie Xie Ni! HAHA! xoxo.