mood: shaken
location: room
now playin': You Make it real - James Morrison
SHort update.
Woke up at 1pm, watch HellBoy 2 halfway. Met up with dearest S. Went to Civic ctr's CPF building. Went for lunch at LJS, went to Starbucks, Went to buy bubble tea, braved the storm and ran in the rain. Nearly cried in the bus. Why? Cos of the thunders & lightnings. FYI - I'm really scared of thunders & lightnings. I tend to hide under my blanket. Cowardly but true. Ran home in the rain. Was freezing and drenched from head to toe but it was awesome. I havent had fun in the rain since I was sec3! :D Suddenly I stood there in the rain, drenched until Alex grabbed me and pulled me under my block. LOL!
Me: Haha. It was fun!
Alex: Yeah, just as i guessed. You ARE insane! You're drenched!
Me: That's the point ain't it? HAHA!
Alex: You're gonna get sick! go home and take a hot bath okay?
Me: YES SIR! Haha.
Like my knight in shining armour man! Haha. Suddenly behind me. Omg! Haha. SUch a coincidence that he was behind me. Haha. Anyway, I got home and...
Bro: Woah!
Me: Haha. I know I'm damn drenched...
Bro: keys? No key I wont open the gate for you.
Me: Er...can I go back down and play in the rain? PLEASE???
Bro: Eh! You arent a kid already okay! Aiyo!
So my hopes of playing in the rain were dashed. But at least I didnt get a cold! Haha. I was glad to have been able to catch up with S. The highlight of the day was that we both kept running into Hot, Hunky, Handsome and totally irresistible guys! Haha. It was damn funny luh! We were imagining what C would do to us if the 3 of us were out and S & I were guy-seeing. LOL. I love that girl to bits! How i wished C was with us....
I'll upload the photos soonish. Planning to remove my tagboard by the end of this week and if you want me to relink you or anything, email me or msn me. Thanks! :)