mood: calm
location: room
now playin': Yue Lai Yue Ai - Farenheit
This week was nothing but emotional for me. Well, this week was basically the last lesson for most of the modules, which meant, Goodbyes. It was a sad thing but also a relieve. Now I can say bye to Science and Maths, period. :D I'll update a day-by-day update for the week, beginning with school on Tuesday.
Came to school with a :( face. Faci was bitchy, decided to reshuffle our groups. -.- Lesson wasn't fun. My group was quite alright though. I think made Bitch scared of me because I was just so pissed and upset that I just kept cursing and swearing. Sorry bitch! Then I ate biscuits on the sly cos I was hungry and Faci doesnt like people eating in class. So yeah, it had to be a hush-hush thing. Didn't wanna go for Drama meeting cos I wasnt up to it emotionally and I was damn tired. Bitch came to find for me after school. Suddenly Jack told me i HAD to go cos it was important. So I had to pangseh bitch. Sorry! :( Meeting was about a mini-musical, playtime & reflections. After that, I headed straight home.
Dragged myself to school. I was still feeling down. But I had to brace up, i knew I had to. Afterally, how to go for rehearsals looking like i just came from a funeral? -.- Thanks Fariza & kak Tan for talking to me. Dick asked me to watch UP with him, WJ & Warren but I had rehearsals. Dick ended up cheering me up and listening to me. Thanks ah Dick. :) Oh yeah, Science lesson was a total drag. My group was awesome tho (except for gagap luh, DUH). Faci contributed money and we contributed a dollar each to order canadian pizza. :D It was damn shiok! And Haikal, saffwan and idk whoelse played the guitar to the Malay version of Qing Fei De Yi. Damn nice!
Some peeps in W46LOL more or less knew what was going on. They were damn funny. They cheered me up to the highest level, whether it was intentional or otherwise. But they made me laugh loud, long and hard. Laughed until cried. Haha. You bitches are the best luh! I'm gonna miss all of you! ♥♥♥
Rehearsals were cancelled. Accompanied Fariza/Izanie (lol) to the physio centre cos or the wrist and at the same time, I went there to get my ankle checked. There was loike this guys from dragonboatIG or smth that did their exercises in front of us. HAHA. We were practically checking guys out luh. But then again, we have every right to. Did some exercises for my ankle and all. There was a really hot guy there. *melts* I must bring Bitch with me. I think she'll be so excited to see hot guys. SEE! I know her so well! HAHAH. Went off with Fariza & her friend. But her friend (whose name I cant seem to recall) took the bus while we walked to the train station.
Went home, and watched the SG Idol auditions and it was FKING HILARIOUS! Fariza was still talking about the guy we saw in the physio ctr. HAHA! Oh yeah, and she "chose" a guy for me. GND's friend. I think some people know who alrdy luh. But ANYWAYS, it was a great day. Thanks everyone for cheering me up! xoxo!♥
Terribly long day! School, CE talk and Rehearsals. I brought ALOT of food to school. Wen Hao & Evelyn said my bag's like a Doraemon pocket. Why? Cos there were all sorts of food in my bag. HAHA. There was A whole packet of bread, chocolate, gum and alot of biscuits! HAHAH. Wen Hao was wondering if there was also Laksa in my bag. -.- No brains. HAHA. Maths wasn't fun, like DUH. Mary, our faci, gave us 100bucks to order Macs! :D:D So I ordered mcspicy and had like ALOT of shaker fries. Idk how many they ordered luh. But the totally amount was like 95++bucks? HAHA! FKING COOL!
During break, FELICIA GOT OWNED! HAHAHHA. WX tricked her into thinking he wanted to show her a magic trick that was about chilli sauce. And soon after that I figured out that it was a prank and I began laughing but that FiFi didnt get it and she fell for it. She ended up with her hands covered with chilli! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHAAHAH! DAMN FUNNY! I'll give yall the link to the vid since I dont have it and Ican't seem to embed it from FB.
So anyways, I realised something that got me all affecxted all over again. But my class never fails to cheer me up. After class, Saffwan & Wen Hao decided to imitate me & be he-bitches and drew this:
Came to school with a :( face. Faci was bitchy, decided to reshuffle our groups. -.- Lesson wasn't fun. My group was quite alright though. I think made Bitch scared of me because I was just so pissed and upset that I just kept cursing and swearing. Sorry bitch! Then I ate biscuits on the sly cos I was hungry and Faci doesnt like people eating in class. So yeah, it had to be a hush-hush thing. Didn't wanna go for Drama meeting cos I wasnt up to it emotionally and I was damn tired. Bitch came to find for me after school. Suddenly Jack told me i HAD to go cos it was important. So I had to pangseh bitch. Sorry! :( Meeting was about a mini-musical, playtime & reflections. After that, I headed straight home.
P/S: thanks saffwan for listening to me that day about GND.♥
Dragged myself to school. I was still feeling down. But I had to brace up, i knew I had to. Afterally, how to go for rehearsals looking like i just came from a funeral? -.- Thanks Fariza & kak Tan for talking to me. Dick asked me to watch UP with him, WJ & Warren but I had rehearsals. Dick ended up cheering me up and listening to me. Thanks ah Dick. :) Oh yeah, Science lesson was a total drag. My group was awesome tho (except for gagap luh, DUH). Faci contributed money and we contributed a dollar each to order canadian pizza. :D It was damn shiok! And Haikal, saffwan and idk whoelse played the guitar to the Malay version of Qing Fei De Yi. Damn nice!
Some peeps in W46LOL more or less knew what was going on. They were damn funny. They cheered me up to the highest level, whether it was intentional or otherwise. But they made me laugh loud, long and hard. Laughed until cried. Haha. You bitches are the best luh! I'm gonna miss all of you! ♥♥♥
Rehearsals were cancelled. Accompanied Fariza/Izanie (lol) to the physio centre cos or the wrist and at the same time, I went there to get my ankle checked. There was loike this guys from dragonboatIG or smth that did their exercises in front of us. HAHA. We were practically checking guys out luh. But then again, we have every right to. Did some exercises for my ankle and all. There was a really hot guy there. *melts* I must bring Bitch with me. I think she'll be so excited to see hot guys. SEE! I know her so well! HAHAH. Went off with Fariza & her friend. But her friend (whose name I cant seem to recall) took the bus while we walked to the train station.
Went home, and watched the SG Idol auditions and it was FKING HILARIOUS! Fariza was still talking about the guy we saw in the physio ctr. HAHA! Oh yeah, and she "chose" a guy for me. GND's friend. I think some people know who alrdy luh. But ANYWAYS, it was a great day. Thanks everyone for cheering me up! xoxo!♥
Terribly long day! School, CE talk and Rehearsals. I brought ALOT of food to school. Wen Hao & Evelyn said my bag's like a Doraemon pocket. Why? Cos there were all sorts of food in my bag. HAHA. There was A whole packet of bread, chocolate, gum and alot of biscuits! HAHAH. Wen Hao was wondering if there was also Laksa in my bag. -.- No brains. HAHA. Maths wasn't fun, like DUH. Mary, our faci, gave us 100bucks to order Macs! :D:D So I ordered mcspicy and had like ALOT of shaker fries. Idk how many they ordered luh. But the totally amount was like 95++bucks? HAHA! FKING COOL!
During break, FELICIA GOT OWNED! HAHAHHA. WX tricked her into thinking he wanted to show her a magic trick that was about chilli sauce. And soon after that I figured out that it was a prank and I began laughing but that FiFi didnt get it and she fell for it. She ended up with her hands covered with chilli! HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHAAHAH! DAMN FUNNY! I'll give yall the link to the vid since I dont have it and Ican't seem to embed it from FB.
So anyways, I realised something that got me all affecxted all over again. But my class never fails to cheer me up. After class, Saffwan & Wen Hao decided to imitate me & be he-bitches and drew this:
(click to enlarge)

_|_ YOU BOTH! That was a sucky drawing of me! HAHAHAH. Wen Hao! you cannot draw so lay off the markers luh! Hahah. :D Went for the CE Talk on the UT3 thingy with WX, Fifi, Andrea, Haikal and the rest. It was frigging boring. I fell asleep for a while. Haikal best, he fell asleep for quite a long time. HAHA. Was seated in the LT for a freakin' 2 hours! Then went to TRCC to find my team for rehearsals. We had a new member and were doing up the script again. Told Aishah what happened. Got all emo again. :( Then a call came and made me fking upset and pissed. Was supposed to be bitchy to Jeremi so Jack could write my lines. But I couldn't. I ended up saying, "I can't do this anymore." and walked off to the toilet and broke down.
You know that feeling like you controlled your emotions and bottled them all up? You made yourself and everyone around you believe you're fine, happy & unaffected when you're really not? And one day, all that anger, upset, irritation and just all that emotions just explode out of you? Sometimes, they come out not in a way where you shout and scream it all off your chest but it comes out as a form of tears. Yes, that was exactly what happened.
I was too tired trying to act like I'm fine and happy. I think I pissed people off when I walked off. But I apologised in the end. I was shocked by my own actions. Afterall, I'm not that type which gives up halfway of something I have passion in and say, "I can't do this anymore". If it was that way, I would have given up on life as a whole. And I was looking forward to the play so much to give up. Thanks aishah for being there and ensuring I'm fine and all. And I just got another round of hell when I got home. Which explains all my shit emo tweets that day. Thanks S for asking whats wrong and if I'm alright. I'll let both you & C know what happened soonish. Thanks WC for cheering me up even though you were sick. Texted Bitch and told her what happened. Cried my self to sleep.
Woke up with fugly & swollen eyes. It's tough using mascara when your eyes are swollen. =X Was still really sad. Thank J & Bitch for giving me lurrrvvveee & hugs. ♥♥ :) There wasn't any major treats but Faci bought us the biscuit rolls. Idk what you call them but it was lovely! It was SUPER NICE! Presentation was basically screwed. Lol. I left at 2:30. Faci was nice enough not to partial me. :) Bro & his gf picked me up. Sent me to meet my mum at Tampines. Why? cos.....I was supposed to go for my Medical Check-up but guess what? My monthly bff decided to come a week early and I ended up not being able to go. So the appointment was changed to the 28th of Aug. -.- SO troublesome. TSK TSK!
So mum brought me to eat Sushi at Ramen Ten while bro sent his gf home. Went shopping awhile then bro picked us up and we went home. Nothing much. Went home and rested. CHatted with teng teng till like 3am? Thanks ah teng for cheering me up. Now we both know we're in the same boat. Haha *high-five*
Gonna spend today at least revising a bit for Enterprise UT3 next wednesday. The semester's coming to an end really soon. Fasting Month's coming soon too! :D So exciting! :) Okay, time check: 4:51pm. Shall do what I have to do now. I'm having killer cramps. :(