mood: lazy
location: room
now playin':Wedding Dress - Taeyang
Yes, I know I've been neglecting this poor blog of mine :(
Okay, so last friday we had the Flames Award & Happy Hour Party. It was FANTABULOUS! Party with Drama clique was the sex yo! :) Well, here's some of the many photos taken that I have right now...
twinnie, me & fiqa
im at the extreme right wearing white, aishah beside me wearing blue.
GLAM OR UNGLAM? We had no place to sit & eat so we ended here. HAHAH.

Okay, so I was doing some thinking, and I realised that me choosing Drama as my IG was a good choice. I mean when there's a production, it's effin' hectic and tiring. But still, i feel it was a good choice. Let's just hope I'll get loads of CE points from it as well. HAHAHA. :D
I promised loads of photos of my new class. Have been with E36F for like 8weeks now. And I have ALOT of photos. Especially of late. So I'll just upload the very very overdued ones to the rather latest ones. Although some oh those in the pictures arent from my class. haha.
Steph & I

me wearing a beanie in class. OH YES! I have yet to transfer the photos of me in a beanie, properly. HAHA.
Adib & I
(from top clockwise) Adib, Kim, me, Steph & Yuting
Steph, adib & I

Yuting, Steph & Kim


Dian, me, kim & donna
this is LI May aka Ah lian. LOL
This is Dian. LOL
Clarence (ah beng), kim & I
Oh yeah! Anyways, I went to Mediacorp on Wednesday to watch SG Idol. And will most probably go over again next week. :D Well, this week was awesome cos Sleeq performed during the news break and then there was some duo from Live N Loaded & Nathan Hartono. OMG! He's a freaking hearthrob! *dreamy look*


Top 4 with Nathan

There's more but I have to wait for them to be uploaded. Haha. Okay and then on Thursday, which was yesterday, I had to wear formal. Cos we had to attend the lecture and do some Network marketing. Quite fun to dress up. lappy was heavy, so was my bag, I was tired, i was in heels and all black and...I NEEDED TO CAB REALLY BADLY! Unfortunately, I couldnt get a cab at all! I was so pissed. And I gave up and took the train. -.-
The lecture was DAMN BORING and i ended up....CAMWHORING with my webcam! HAHAH. And I didn't realise that My faci saw me, nurul, hakim and whoever else webcamming until her told me so after the lecture & until i saw all the photos. LOLLOLLOL! Anyhoos, I'll upload those photos later or smth cos this post is so effin' long already. HAHAHA.
So I got home, helped to clean the house and cook and get ready for our "reunion" dinner. Waited till like 9pm when my whole family & bro's gf came home for dinner. Nice timing, after dinner, Weicong called me to ask if I wanted to join him, weiming & daniel at macs. Was surprised when my mum allowed me to go out cos it was like nearly 10pm uh! Headed over there till like 11plus then I went home. By then, sis' bf came over already. HAHAH. Watched Paranomal activity. Not nice lor. -.- I mean the night-time & the ouija board was effin' cool. but nothing much to it.
So yes, FINALLY an update. Not really in detail, but still..... :) Oh btw,
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA to all the Muslims out there! :D
Okay, so last friday we had the Flames Award & Happy Hour Party. It was FANTABULOUS! Party with Drama clique was the sex yo! :) Well, here's some of the many photos taken that I have right now...

Okay, so I was doing some thinking, and I realised that me choosing Drama as my IG was a good choice. I mean when there's a production, it's effin' hectic and tiring. But still, i feel it was a good choice. Let's just hope I'll get loads of CE points from it as well. HAHAHA. :D
I promised loads of photos of my new class. Have been with E36F for like 8weeks now. And I have ALOT of photos. Especially of late. So I'll just upload the very very overdued ones to the rather latest ones. Although some oh those in the pictures arent from my class. haha.

Oh yeah! Anyways, I went to Mediacorp on Wednesday to watch SG Idol. And will most probably go over again next week. :D Well, this week was awesome cos Sleeq performed during the news break and then there was some duo from Live N Loaded & Nathan Hartono. OMG! He's a freaking hearthrob! *dreamy look*


Top 4 with Nathan

There's more but I have to wait for them to be uploaded. Haha. Okay and then on Thursday, which was yesterday, I had to wear formal. Cos we had to attend the lecture and do some Network marketing. Quite fun to dress up. lappy was heavy, so was my bag, I was tired, i was in heels and all black and...I NEEDED TO CAB REALLY BADLY! Unfortunately, I couldnt get a cab at all! I was so pissed. And I gave up and took the train. -.-
The lecture was DAMN BORING and i ended up....CAMWHORING with my webcam! HAHAH. And I didn't realise that My faci saw me, nurul, hakim and whoever else webcamming until her told me so after the lecture & until i saw all the photos. LOLLOLLOL! Anyhoos, I'll upload those photos later or smth cos this post is so effin' long already. HAHAHA.
So I got home, helped to clean the house and cook and get ready for our "reunion" dinner. Waited till like 9pm when my whole family & bro's gf came home for dinner. Nice timing, after dinner, Weicong called me to ask if I wanted to join him, weiming & daniel at macs. Was surprised when my mum allowed me to go out cos it was like nearly 10pm uh! Headed over there till like 11plus then I went home. By then, sis' bf came over already. HAHAH. Watched Paranomal activity. Not nice lor. -.- I mean the night-time & the ouija board was effin' cool. but nothing much to it.
So yes, FINALLY an update. Not really in detail, but still..... :) Oh btw,
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA to all the Muslims out there! :D