mood: sick
now playin':Insomnia - Craig David
Yall have no idea how much I love this song. And yes, yall are in for a very very very long blogpost...
So anyways, 2weeks ago, I had my play. As yall know. Here's a slideshow of all the behind the scenes footage:
Well anyhoos, there was an advance "party" for Yuting's birthday. Took a class photo as well. :D FINALLY! hahaha.
Why I wore so nice? cos I had performance aft school and wore my outfit under that dress. LOL. This is called...DAMN BLOODY LAZY. ^^
Oh yes, and last Thursday, there was a surprise celebration for Stephy (Kim's "lover"). She & yuting aren't from my class but they're a regular in e36f. HAHA! I swear Steph is closer to my class than she is with her own class. LOL. So yes, I was an "extra" in the celebration. LOL. All kim's fault! :) But still, it was fun!

Okay so after school, I rushed down to cwp to meet Farrah & Frizzy. Wanted to catch 2012 at 420pm but it was full. 510pm also full. 550pm ALSO FULL. damn pissed off! So finally caught the 640pm show. Went to have dinner at Macs. Gossiped and caught up abit. I miss having those two, intan, haikal and saffwan to go nuts with. :(
Oh and for the past 2 Saturdays, I've been going shooping with mommy. Winner or what sia. Hahaha. But I think I'm gonna meet SeeTheAss this saturday for a change. Idk, we'll see how. Gonna meet then this Thursday I guess. I need a place to hang more clothes. LOL.
I've not been blogging much lately cos I'm sick, tired and pure lazy to do so. I've been really sick lately. Seriously, sick. My cough is so stubborn and isn't going away. :( It's been nearly a month. My cough's getting worse. And the stupid haze is making my health worsen! :( I even coughed blood last night. EWWW. It was both gross and painful.
And yet I went to school today, all "germified". Why? Because Imma typical kiasu singapoean who is ever so scared to lag behind. Especially in math! -.- So I coughed and coughed and coughed and I decided, to leave early. So I partialled. And WenJie was telling me about how serious coughing blood is and the timing of the polyclinic so I wont make a wasted trip and that idiotic faci of mine....
faci: open your msn (referring to the convo between me & WJ). you planning to go out and not to the clinic right?
me: wth? no. (opens convo) you see la. My friend's just helping me what.
faci: but you going out after that right?
me: go home la! you come and read the whole convo lah.
faci: no its okay
me: you want to read, read la!
faci: it's okay, i trust you
me: -.-
(mum returns my call)
mum: what?
me: im going off early. cough damn bad
mum: why dont wanna go after school?
me: too late...
mum: okay. then go home straight
me: okay.
faci: but you going out after that right?
me: go home la! you come and read the whole convo lah.
faci: no its okay
me: you want to read, read la!
faci: it's okay, i trust you
me: -.-
(mum returns my call)
mum: what?
me: im going off early. cough damn bad
mum: why dont wanna go after school?
me: too late...
mum: okay. then go home straight
me: okay.
So if my mum says okay, wtf can that faci say right? Well, all she did was to get me to do my ppt slides. -.- Quite lame ah. But i did whatever I could. So I rushed off during second break. Went to the polyclinic at marsiling. Had to ask directions. Apparently I've nvr gone to a polyclinic by myself and since I ddint have enough cash for a private clinic, I wasn't left with much choice. -.-
Anyways, I nearly rotted there for like 3hours. What did I do to burn time? Waste my lappy battery by watching The Hangover. Thank goodness I brought my external harddisk! And I laughed in public. I swear people were staring at me. LOL. Finally saw the doc. She was one heckuva hardcore bitch, I SWEAR. So I told her today dont need MC. And she gave me 2days MC.....
Eh! Retarded or what siol. I clearly said today wasn't needed. -.- Pissed me off. Loads of medicines. Bye bye to marketing lesson this week. HOORAY! :D And hopefully, I get well soon. I really need the energy & strength. My cough is still damn terrible.
I'm feelin' drowsy. Thanks for all the "get well" messages. That was sweet :) oh and good news, i had to check my weight just now at the clinic and....