Saturday, May 15, 2010

As per usual, I'm blogging via my BB as I'm in the train. I'm off to Somerset to meet Yusri to see him skate. :)

Brought my heels along cos I'll be heading straight to Daniel's party later. Hopefully I won't lose my way. AHAHAH. K good joke yanyan.

I've spent the whole of my next week's allowance at bugis ytd. -.- next week, I'm gonna eat grass alr. (Y) but the heels I bought was so bloody worth the money! I swear! IT WAS ON SALE!! Met dearest Tabbs yesterday and it was so awesome. I miss that girl! I love you babe! (L)

Alright, I can't waste my battery just in case I get lost in some ulu area. Toodles people! :)

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