mood: sleepyThis song has been playing in my head since last Wednesday! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! (Y)
now playin': Waka Waka - Shakira
First thing's first,
It's confirmed. Imma be one of the 4 emcees for Ignite Music! :D Madly elated please! And like it was unexpected because I was aiming for Arts Platter first. Yknow, start out small first. But I went mad happy when I got the email saying that I got selected with 3 other guys who are damn good! Anyways, that's not the point. HAHA. Imma give it my all. & I hope to see many familiar faces there!
Date: 2nd & 3rd July 2010
Time: 5pm - 10pm (Friday)
3:30pm - 10pm (Saturday)
Venue: Republic Polytechnic (click here for more info)
13 top local bands will be performing with RP's very own Jammerz Arena & Replug! Great fun, great music! And what's better than that would be.....
So mark your calendars and come on down! :)
Next I'm gonna start my usual blogging..
Majorly busy week. And it's gonna be even busier next week and the following week! Came home at 5plus, nearly 6 this morning. Was out the whole day. Worked from morning till night then I went to meet my friends then went to meet some classmates. Went to RP with them. Bro told me to cab home & he'll pay me later (he just gave me money & im gonna keep the little change. MUAHAHAH!) And that was like 5am! WHYTHEFLYINGSHOES WOULD THERE BE A CAB @ RP?! -.- I was so sleepy and mad tired. So waiting for a cab was like a bomb about to explode. Cabbed home. Do my stuffs & slept @ 6am till like nearly 3pm. (Y)(Y)
Went to a coffeeshop @ woodlands for supper. If you know me well, you know I don't go to coffeeshops. Okay, I know i know...i sound brattish and whatever. But I can't stand the heat & the smoke and all. And I just dont like it there! So it was like a virgin trip there....
wait..I just remembered, it wasn't a virgin trip to the coffeeshop to eat. Cos I ever had supper at a coffeeshop with Joel & Ridd like 3years ago? HAHAHAHA. And me going to the coffeeshop under my block to play cards with dick & ben ang not counted cos it was for a really short while I it was only to play cards. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
So whatever, had a blast. But i'll never go there again. EVERYONE there was staring at the table I was at. My friends were like roaring with laughter and the worse part? THEIR INDIVIDUAL LAUGHTERS ARE LOUDER THAN MINE! Yeah, so go imagine! HAHAHA. We were the loudest there. And when we left, people kept staring at us! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA (Y) Throw face. And I really dont like the food and the environment there. So all the more I'm never going back there. :D
Had a blast playing Taboo & everything. Painting nails. Having heart-to-heart talks & all. Omg, I love those people! And like my first time staying out till nearly 6am please! I know I sound like I have no life. HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry uh, I'm mother's baobei, so I always go home like 12mn latest and all. Sibei guai (Y)
Im supposed to complete my SFM UT2 assignment & my background research for the bands by today and look at the time! I've yet to even get anything, besides this blog post, done! pfft! I HAVE to stop procrastinating! If I can't complete this by today, I think I'll prolly have to skip training tomorrow. :( I SWEAR TO GOD I REALLY WANNA GO TRAINING! I seriously miss the frisbee disc. Needa touch it....
Shit, I sound so........okay, nvm.
Okay, photos up later but right now, Sentosa photos are up and there's like so many! I'm damn lazy to upload so many so i'll just take the photos I was tagged in on FB, which is ALOT! And it's official, I look like a mad woman with my hair wet & all. And When my hair is wet, it goes to center-parting. -.- Oh madly unglam. But whatever! I HAD FUN! (L)

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