mood: sick & lazySkin peeling from the sunburnt. Cough still bad. Flu blocking up my whole nose.
now playin': Pyramid - Charice ft. Iyaz
Okay, So I'm more or less half done with my SFM UT2 assignment thanks to dearest Tabbs. That girl has been a real dear! She accompanied me to Yishun Stadium to check the place out last Friday. We even had a picnic there! (Y) Headed to town after that to get my BB checked and we wasted 90minutes of out lives cos they didnt call my number. The workers there are effin' slow. -.- & Iora called me up to work. -.-

Apparently Tabbs got a shot of my "WHICH PART OF I QUIT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!" face. HAHAHAHAHAH! Damn funny.

And did I mention....I wore these gay slippers to the stadium & then to TOWN!? HAHAHAHA! Bimbo ttm.
Work was dead slow yesterday. I reckon I'm becoming a really fat slob. HAHA! I go to work and eat eat eat. I see fats fats fats. I don't jog jog jog. Pfft! Also, I think my arm size went down my abit and all the fats went straight to my face. NOW IM LIKE DAMN CHUBBY. Double...triple chin much. :(
Last day of my term hols. :( Back to school tmr. I'm so screwed for SFM & SB UT1. I haven't even seen the 6Ps yet. Damnit. Okay, on a brighter note, I'm gonna see my lovelies in class tomorrow. WOOHOOHOOOOOOOO! (L)

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