mood: lazyIt's another lazy Sunday. Was supposed to work today but I took off just for something but it ended up being canceled. So I'm taking this day to rest & to fast! Need to pay back my fast ASAP man! Fasting Month coming soon & I've like 5more days to pay back my fast. Sounds easy? Well, it isnt when I'm in school 3/4 of my week and weekends i'm at work. HAHA.
now playin': I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
Have yet to even start on my essay. -.- Fail, seriously. Tsk! I ended up playing Bejeweled. Sigh. I better get started! I have less than 2 weeks before the submission date! Anyways, training yesterday fun yet damn boring. Rebecca & Jasvinny were there too! HAHA. We all left training early. (Y)
My weekends are dull. Because either I'm working or I'm at home trying to rest from my hectic schedule. I just realised how little I've been at home these days.
I wake up early, come home late, eat sleep,
wake up early, go out, come home late, eat, sleep,
go out in the morning, come back late, eat, sleep....
The cycle is always that way. I need to try and spend more time with my family (trying to forget that my bro is seldom in Singapore and my sister works full day). Cos I'd feel so bad my mum is alone with Kitty at home. :( Yeah, so good thing I can stay home! :D
Not all the photos for JA's performance are up. And even if they were, chances are they're photos of the bands performing. HAHA. But I found this and I was like, YAY ME! Try and spot me! Anyways, this is a photo of Malcolm and myself with the Jammerz Arena people closing up their performance. :D

Really overdued photos!
(PS. all really unglam photos, especially mine. HAHAHAHAHHA.)
(PS. all really unglam photos, especially mine. HAHAHAHAHHA.)

HAHAHAHAH! FTW MAN THIS PHOTO! Like seriously! The guy's expression was classic cos it matched the joke we were talking about (which i can't remember whatsit about)! When Huda showed us this photo, we roared with laughter and ended up getting stares and glares from the people around. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

MY EYES WERE LIKE -.- AS IN LIKE... LITERALLY! :( Just came back from work that day and was mighty sleepy. :( E says like look like a chubby china doll with my bangs. Argh!

Brotherly love between Huda & Alex. HAHAHAHA. Damn funny. Seriously, yall should have seen the classic and epic failures that day. (Y)
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