mood: lazyI'm mighty lazy to blog these days. Like too much to update! Lesson time now, what am I doing blogging!? TSK. & I've been oversleeping these days and been cabbing to school since last week. I'm already so broke, I don't know how am I gonna keep this up. Cabbed on Monday, yesterday & today.
now playin': group discussion
KohWeiCong, you're a bad influence!
I'm so hungry right now. Gonna play badminton again with my BV clique. :) Okay, lazy to update. I'll just upload some really overdued photos and i'll upload the latest ones later.hahahah!
(click for photos)
Sister's Graduation Day!



alamak duudeee. ahaha. cant i like save the pics from here? :( i vvvvaanntt zee grad pics lerrr (: (:
-i think u know me(:
Hello! You must be saurah right? Haha. Okay. Fauzi only uploaded like 4 pathetic photos -.- haha. Leave me your email address and I'll email it to you k? :) and you can pass my sis the photos you took. :)
hahaa. kk it's .. i didnt take any pics on my cam. mine was all videos only >.< thaankkksss! (:
Alright! I'll email you the 4 photos asap! :)
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