mood: lethargicOkay, I've got some time to spare to do a short update! :D I'll start off with the Tampines Primary School Homecoming Night 2010 I emceed last week.
now playin': Mine -Taylor Swift
Was mad sick. Voice was pretty hoarse. Kept drinking & taking Strepsils non-stop. Forced my voice to be as normal as possible. This was by far the most challenging event I've had to emcee thus far! I barely even had time to look through the script or even talk based on it! The programme timings had to be changed last minute so everything was not in order so I just had to rattle on and say whatever I could. Made quite a number of boo-boos though. :( But still, it was fine. I think everyone did a good job seeing that we only had one rehearsal which was a few hours just before the event itself! HAHAHAHA. Fun people luh. It was so nice to meet some of my primary school friends that turned up. Miss Tampines & the people there. It felt so nice to be there yknow!
School's been shitty. Class has been fine. Ze class is bonding, LIKE FINALLY. :D But lessons have been getting more and more boring as the days pass by. :( Had one helluva impromptu chitchat session with Manda. Planned to go home but ended up talking for hours! (Y)
Anyway, yesterday was BRILLIANT! Another good friday. Lesson was pretty slack. We even played games in class and all. HAHA. Damn awesome! Planned to go to Jalan Kayu with Manda but ended up watching Aidah, Darry, Ryan, Syuue, Zhaoyang & SP (idk how to spell his name! HAHA) play bball while Manda & I had a good talk. :) Bumped into Clive(who's my Leisure planning faci) & went to Al-ameen for dinner with him, manda, syuue, zy & sp. Talked non-stop. All the gossiping, eating, laughing & everything. JUST SO AWESOME.
Planned to crash at manda's but she wanted to go to Town so Clive gave us, the girls, a lift to AMK. Then we changed plans...wanted to hang around near Sembawang. Then in the bus, we changed plans and decided to just take buses at random and walk around. HAHAHAHAHAH. Sadly, most places were closed by then (it was 9pm. I think Singaporeans like no life. :S) so we ended up at Macs at sembawang. -_- HAHAHA. Okay so talked till like 11plus and then headed home.

I'll blog about today in another post. I'm done for tonight. I'm still pretty sick. :( Gonna recuperate now. Toodle-le-dums~
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