mood: tiredOh lookie here. It's 6:39pm and the 30th of December 2010! It's the 2nd last day of the year! And I've only written TWO MISERABLE PARAGRAPHS for my essay assignment. Meh. I'll do it....tomorrow. HAHAHAHA. Welcome to the life of the Ultimate Procrastinator! Anyways, I went swimming on Tuesday with Tabbs & I just went swimming this morning with Manda! WOOHOO. Bring on the chlorine, sucka! (Y) My whole body is aching like mad. Not to mention, my's just in a really sad state. To think, I just got a haircut like on Tuesday after swimming. :(
now playin': Without U - 2PM
Have I mentioned about my xmas presents? HAHAHAH. Damn funny. So beginning of December, I went out with my sis after school to get mommeh her birthday present. I ended up getting me-self a Fred Perry bag (which was a lil common, but who cares? I love the bag!). I even got it GIFT-WRAPPED FOR MYSELF. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. And then we went to ZARA, sissy bought me a top, which I wrapped up as well as her present to me. And if that wasn't enough, I even bought myself a Marc by Marc Jacobs bag! HAHAHA. That was all bought JUST 8 days into december....
AND MY WHOLE ALLOWANCE + MUSHROOM BANK (My "piggybank" is in a form of a mushrooom. LOL) MOOLAH....ALL GONE. ALL...EACH & EVERY PENNY I HAD. :(
I think that pretty much explains why I haven't been going out like trying out fish spa (which I REALLY REALLY wanna go) & whatnot. Thank goodness mommeh gave me a lil more money. (L) Yeah, I haven't worked in....what feels like a whole year, but is actually only 4months. HAHA. No point in me getting a job now anyway. My internship's gonna start...prolly in the ending of February.
Oh! & I finally received my portable dvd player! (Y) Now I can watch all my Korean dramas without having to tell my mum to stop hogging the teevo outside (cos thats where the dvd player is)! YIPEEEE! Notonly can I watch dvds on it, I can play games & even watch tv on it! THAT MEANS NOW I HAVE 2 TEEVOS IN MA ROOM. (Y) I love my mom. xoxo.

On a more serious note, I'll come up with a New Year's Resolution List (which I clearly, do not stick to most of the time) by tmr. And this time, there's gonna be wayyy more things to add. Because I am just sick & tired of trying to be nice to people in school. Call me a bitch, or whatever. I need to be who I really am. People in school haven't seen me lose my cool or be a total mean person. & that's only because I told myself when I got into poly, that I was gonna play it cool and try to be nice & not lose my cool. But enough is really enough. I need to draw the line between friend & foe, funny, mean and humiliating and whatever else.
Most importantly, I need to know who are my true friends, who are my fair-weather friends and who...are just so bloody macam paham people who act like I'm their bff when they don't even know me one bit. -_-
Some friends are worth keeping & some are worth ditching. If they dont know the value & meaning of FRIENDSHIP, they oughtta be ditched.
- Nurdiyana Tan YY
Yes, so I need to know who to treat as my FRIEND, who to treat as my ACQUAINTANCE & IGNORE/DELETE from my life. I need a "filter" system in my life when it comes to friendship.
Okay, enough of all that, I'll just leave yall with just some photos..

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