Monday, January 17, 2011


mood: sleepy
now playin':To Be With You - Mr Big
I read something earlier on in school that made me feel compelled to blog about it. Humans, are just so shallow, so naive, so....imperfect. But there's only so much we can blame for our actions.

#1: Some people think that dressing in branded goods from head to toe will command respect from the people them meet.

Yes, when one sees someone who is covered in branded goods, they'll feel envious and prolly try to befriend that person. People MIGHT look up to you in the midst of wondering how the hell you could afford all those things.

But the question is, are they befriending you cos they like who you really are or just cos you're covered in branded goods & they (prolly) hope some of it might be shared with them?

You can't just get respect cos you wear a branded hat, branded top, branded bottom, branded shoes & carry a branded bag with a branded wallet. Cos if your attitude is like shit, walk around & talk to people with a condescending tone & attitude and all, no one, and I really mean, NO ONE, will take you seriously.

#2: We judge, all the freaking time.

Don't bull & say, "No. Who says I judge? I don't believe in judging people." Unless you're some fallen angel or Prophet, DO NOT lie to everyone, especially yourself. We all judge, even if not openly, but in your minds, we judge people, everyone and anyone.

But don't all God-like and call others a whore or fugly or pests. Okay, the whore part, it depends. If you know that person sleeps around & everything, feel free to say that. (HAHAHAHAHAHA.) But fugly & pests? You can be pretty, but if you go around judging and calling people fugly, that is just showing people how ugly your personality is and this, makes YOU the fugly one. And for pests?

EVERYONE in this world is a pest to someone's eye in one way or another (once again, unless you're a fallen angel or a Prophet, don't bull & say everyone in the world loves you. Because you & I both know, that's not true). So you call others pests, you're no different from the person you're calling a pest.

#3: People think fortune is the ONLY thing important in this world.

Oh how naive can we get! Yes. We all love wealth. We are materialistic. Don't bull & say you dont like luxuries. If someone gives you a bungalow, a million bucks & a ferrari car FOR FREE with NO STRINGS ATTACHED, will you REALLY say no to it? It's just a matter of how materialistic we are. That's what sets us apart from others.

Now, think about it. If you think that's the only think important, how about other things, other people? What if you had wealth with no family? What if you could have the wealth at the expense of your whole family? Do you really think you'll be happy? Is it really that important?

Yes, money makes the world go round. So does oxygen. So does the people around us, the people we love.

#4: Some of us, always think we're better than other people.

Yes, c'mon. You gotta agree. Some people see themselves as wealthy. Purchase branded goods, have birthday parties in hotels/yachts etc. Then, they flaunt their wealth. They buy a branded bag & say,"Oh, look, your bag is not branded. Poor you, with your status, that 'brand' is prolly the only one you can ever afford."

Well, flaunting your wealth & judging someone that way, what makes you think you'll be able to affording for the rest of your life? Haven't you heard of the saying,"all good things, must come to an end"? And what makes you think you're so "atas"? What makes you think that having branded goods, judging people & acting like a douche will get you far & it makes you any better from anyone else out there?

News flash: IT DOESN'T.

#5: Silence = Guilt = Scaredy-cat/Humji = Loser

If you don't know what "humji" means, it means a coward. Now and then, we find ourselves being hit by insults/nasty comments that anger us. And we feel like crap. We feel that we are treated unfairly. There comes a time when we feel that we should just stop replying to these comments because it doesn't help us that much by replying anyway. So might as well block it all out & not give a fuck about it, right?

So we stop replying & bothering about it. And when we keep in silence, these people who are flaming us either...

1) shut up & stop their nonsense, or
2) they take it as a sign of weakness and surrender

They'll prolly shut up after awhile cos they realise they're not getting any reaction out from us & it bores them. Or they could think that silence means weakness and being too cowardly to give a reply and so they continue and worse, stirring up more shit. Then they'll prolly think to themselves,"Hah! See, ____ didn't reply to me. Confirm humji. Nothing to say, lose liao. You think don't reply I will stop meh? I won't. You're guilty that's why never reply!"

Well, if you're that kind, then I suggest you to go flush your head in the toilet bowl. -_- We dont reply for many reasons..

1) We don't want to be further disturbed by your actions/words
2) We think you're just deranged & childish
3) We know our life & actions are more interesting that makes you wanna talk about our lives
4) We pity you for having a low self-esteem to have to hurt us to feel better about yourselves
5) We feel like there's not a need to reply
6) We're like..." Your point is?"
7) We know we're a better person than you are cos we don't go around doing such things like you

So what I'm trying to put across is that we're all imperfect in our ways. I'm no saint either. I scold, I scream, I can be spoilt, I can be sarcastic & mean. But really, there's no need for some people to act like all God-like & judge people & call them poor just cos they dont have branded goods. It's not right. Everyone is wealthy in one way or another, not just in terms of monetary.

Oh well, just food for thought...

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