Thursday, March 31, 2011

If you noticed

mood: accomplished
now playin': That should be me - Justin Bieber Ft. Rascal Flatts
1) I've changed the fonts of my blog & I've added links (look at the top of the page)
2) I've been spamming updates
3) I've been thinking a lot

I'll let yall know why:

1) I grew tired of how boring and rigid my fonts were. I wanted something more...well... JOURNAL-ISH. Actually, the current font is so much like my own handwriting. Well, at least when I was in secondary school. HAHAHA. Now my handwriting is just a load of gibberish. (In RP, we dont write, we type. ^^)

Blogger now allows me to have pages in my blog so I've moved a few things that were at the sidebar to a new page. You can view them by just a mere click on the links of the pages. :D

2) I've been badgered into creating a Tumblr (sibei popular right now) & Formspring account. NO. I am NEVER gonna get a Formspring. Why? Cos I don't wanna be bombarded with redundant questions which might be intentionally asked to provoke or upset me. Okay in other words...what I'm tryna say is that usually people like to ask really weird/annoying/rude/or wtv questions anonymously cos they're cowards who wont ask you to your face. So, I'd rather have people tweet to me and ask me questions than create a FS.

In fact, I'm thinking of putting a "DROP ME A QUESTION" gadget at the side column. But we'll see how it goes.

Anyways, I've been mad tempted to create a Tumblr account. But the problem with me is that... I...
  • am lazy to maintain so many accounts/blogs
  • have a terrible memory when it comes to remembering my passwords & user ID
  • have short attention span. So my hype with Tumblr now might not even last long. HAHA.


Yall like to nag & complain about me not updating often right? So now, I'll update as much as I can. So yall better come to my blog often. SERIOUSLY. :D

3) Another reason why I won't get a Tumblr's cos I know i'll prolly neglect this blog (more than I already am). I don't wanna jumpship cos I LOVE my blog & I've had this blog ever since secondary school when I started out as a blogger for my school.

And yes, I think alot. I feel that TUMBLR is a...picture blog and this blog is like..idk how to describe it cos no words would suffice. But anyways, this blog is where I spill everything out, what I've done/gone through/attended/felt. And so, in order to...AHEM...


I'll blog photos from places I've googled and even probably from Tumblr. No worries though, cos I'll always give credits to the websites I've taken the photos from. :) (Which also means, that if I dont put any credits, i own the photo :D) And this also allows me to update regularly cos I wont need to write a billion and one words. Instead, I'll just post a photo & write a short caption about what's going on or what happened.

Easier, no? :)

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