Saturday, April 23, 2011


mood: pissed
now playin':
So my hotmail account got hacked into & blocked. Also the 2 other emails that were linked to "". My passwords got tampered with and all got messed up. So just like that, 3 of my hotmail accounts are GONE. #$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*(^%$#$%^&*

So bloody pissed off. And apparently, I spammed their forum & asked for answers but the only answer I got is that THEY CANNOT VERIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER OF THOSE ACCOUNTS. KNN.

So anyways, if yall (referring to those who were on my msn contact or whatever) receive any shit from since last week, THAT IS NOT ME.

Anyways, my need msn address is Yall can add me (if you want to) but right now, msn is still being a bitch. So yeah. :S

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