(So sorry RX!)
Side note: Before I start on the post, I feel compelled to warn yall that the photos I'm in, look ABSOLUTELY AWKWARD. Why? Because I chose that day to try out a new hair parting, where I look like shit. By the time I realised how shitty I looked, I was already there. Too late. :( SO DON'T LAUGH OKAY? xx
Dearest Ruoxuan invited Daniel, Weijie & I to her Pink 21st birthday party at Capella Villa Hotel at Sentosa. HER BIRTHDAY THEME WAS PINK! And great timing too cos there was the PinkDot event going on. If you dont know what's a PinkDot event, it's an annual event in support of homosexuals and their theme, as the event is called, Pink & polka dots! OH NOW THAT I LOOK AT THE PHOTOS, I REALISE MY TIE WAS POLKA DOTTED! I could have sworn people we walked passed thought we were going/came from the event! hahahaha.
To have PINK theme is...AWH-TO-DA-SUM!
Or at least for me since I'm..ahem..to quote EVERYONE around me, "thoroughly OBSESSED with pink"! Nothing beats the awesomeness of a pink theme, in my opinion. (MY opinion luh. You really don't need to agree with me. ALTHOUGH I know yall agree. HEHEHE.)
Anyways, the plot was that Dan & WJ would pretend to not be able to attend her birthday and leave her feeling upset and then when she saw all 3 of us, she'd be really surprised! :D Damn cheeky of the guys to use the NDP rehearsals as a reason to not be able to attend!
It was REALLY TOUGH finding for the Hotel cos it was in some deserted part of Sentosa where there were barely any lights leading up to it. So the guys had to turn on their "NS-mode" and read the map to get us to the Hotel.
Thank God the guys were with me! IMAGINE IF I WAS REALLY ALONE! I would die there and my body wouldn't be found any sooner than 2 months. Hahaha. Think I'm exaggerating? LOOK AT THIS:
DARK RIGHT?! Hahah! Looks like a land FAR FAR AWAY~
Okay back to the party, we finally found our way there. And were MIND BLOWN! The hotel's waiting lounge/lobby/reception area was really mad cozy! The people were very friendly and then we even had a HOT CAUCASIAN LADY drive us in a buggy to the villa!!
So since Dan had his cammy, we were having fun...WHY NOT CAMWHORE AT THE BACK OF THE BUGGY? HAHAHAHAHAH!
Finally got there & the birthday girl got a great surprise to see the guys (and me obviously)! The villa was spacious and although I didn't go to the bathroom, from what I heard, it was HUGEASS! 2 widescreen telly with a hugeass bed, a balcony and idk what else, but main point: HUGEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! (Y)
This is half of the living room with all sorts of food. Yes, I know, we look very anti-social here with our phones. =/

Weijie being forced to camwhore with me cos we didn't know any of RX's friends & Daniel was busy with his iTouch & I had nothing to do. HAHA.

Daniel, busy camwhoring with his iTouch.

This was prolly the nicest photo I took that day. WHICH MEANS I LOOKED HORRENDOUS THAT DAY. :(
Look at her & her adorbz 2-tier cake! SO GIRLY, I WANNA DIE!!! :)
The four of us! I absolutely love this photo. Why? Cos it's the FIRST TIME I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS TANNED. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *flicks hair* Okay luh, that's PART of the reason. The other is that we look awesome & in PINK! :D
My last photo with the birthday girl. :)
Good food, good company, great place, and have I mentioned? GREAT THEME!
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