Wednesday, January 07, 2009

[mood: cheerful]

Yeah! Yall got it right! I've finally soft rebonded my hair. Well, there was a HUMONGOUS obstacle that I had to overcome before I rebonded my hair - MY MUM! Yeah. We had a huge quarrel that made me walk out of the house crying and it made me feel like s fucking loser as people passing by stared at me. I thank GOD my bro was at home to help me. Oh, And I bumped into Tabitha who saw me cry. And thank goodness for Alvin who texted me at the right time. I withdrew money and when I was on the phone with my sis, I cried AGAIN IN PUBLIC. Such a loser. -.- And it was even worse when the songs in my iPod & my bro's text message made me tear in the MRT! And so I headed off alone to Paya Lebah before taking a bus to Parkway Parade. It was a long ride which allowed me to calm myself down. 

Anyhoos, there was a jam and it was 5.47pm and my appointment was between 5-6pm. So I called for like the 4th time to tell them that I'll be late and the people at Kimage Prestige was sooooo nice! Haha. So I rushed down and as soon as I got there, no one believed my name was Diyana and they kept calling me DIANA cos they said I can't be a malay. -.-" Oh and my sis had like 2 35percent discount vouchers!

Anyhoos, the guy who attended to me - Sebastian was so nice! Really! He was really witty and friendly. He was also very careful with me. He was so worried that place was too cold for me or the water was too hot and all. I was so tempted to L.O.L. But I didn't. Oh and he said for my hair length it would cost 315bucks to soft rebond it. I started to bargain and he gave me $305. I was still unhappy luh cos their outlet in Marina Square told me it'd be 295bucks. But I kept quiet. Oh and he & his other colleague - Thomas said that I talked like an 'A' Level student. LOL. They thought I was too young to take A Level but they werent sure cos of the way I talked. LOL. I didn't know I looked & talked THAT Smartly. Hahaha. Hilarious much. Then Sebastian told me what he was gonna do with my hair and that my hair was all "haywired" cos I kept thinning & layering my hair. Thomas, who coincidentally was requested by my sis to cut her hair, helped Sebastian out with my hair since he had no customers to attend to. They were both entertaining me. Their hospitality was really awesome luh! They also served me green tea and biscuits. And another colleague of theirs, a lady, was also really nice. All of them were professionals which clearly explains why their pricing was so damn ex!

One thing I'm sure is that I don't regret it cos Sebastian did my hair really well! And I'm loving it. He told me how to take care of it as well and that I should stop thinning my hair. LOL. And did I mention that in the end he gave me a further discount from the $305?! He gave me $295!! Haha. And after my 35% discount, the total came up to $191.75! It was within my budget! YAY! And my hair looks awesome now!


And then my sis bought Famous Amos for us and we saw....A SALE AT COTTON-ON! It was irresistible! And she bought some pant for $10 and I bought a pink sleeveless hooded top/jacket for $10!!! How cool is that?! And it was her treat. And cos she was lazy, we cabbed home. HOHO~! It was awesome! And to make things better, my bro was so cool luh! He told my sis that if my rebonding came up to over $200, he'll pay for me the extras. :) And my sis wanted to go to Marina Square's outlet badly but for me she came all the way from Punggol to Raffles' Place and then to Parkway Parade. And I know she was pissed with me but in the end she relented. I love my bro and sis so much for helping me and backin' me up just now. I was so thankful that they understood why I left home to get away from everything and did not question me but calmed me down with their calls and messages. Thank GOD for them SERIOUSLY!

So anyways, If y'all wanna go rebond your hair or whatever, try Kimage (Yeah, i'm doing helping them with their publicity. LOL).

Kimage (Prestige) @ PP:
Parkway Parade
80 Marine Parade Road #01-34D
Singapore 449269

6584 2700
Monday - Friday 
11.00am - 9.00pm

Saturday, Sunday
11.00am - 7.00pm

For more info, you can visit