[mood: curious]
[now playin': The Man Who Can't be moved - The script]
I'm singing all my worries away. A mere 5 days to the release of the O Level results. And...
Oh GOD! I'm really freakin' out. I'm so scared luh. I'll be fine....(or at least i HOPE and PRAY so). Anyhoos, I'm up really really early cos of all the people who texted me so bright and early in the morning! Oh and did I mention that I've not been texting that much these few days? Well, My bill for last month came and it was a rude awakening for me! My bill two months ago was approximately $45. And this month...
I went over my budget! EVERY month, I set aside 50 bucks for my phone bill and now it's 60bucks! WTFH?!?! And after i calculated my bill, the main cause of the serious increase was my messages! I have like a 1000msgs free and I texted close to 3000msgs! Which means that I exceeded by like 2000msgs!
I'm so darn pissed with myself luh. That's why I haven't been replying much these few days. I've been spending ALOT! And today will be the last day of my wavy hair cos I'm gonna soft rebond it later. I wanted to rebond it but...it looks prettaye fake..so most probably I'll just soft rebond it instead. :D Which means that I wont need to tie my hair for work no more! Woohoo! Haha.
So here's the plan for today. I'll meet diana for awhile before meeting someone for awhile before he has to rush off for his tutorial shit and then meet my sis at Marina. SO there you have it! Okay. I'm off now. TOODLES!