Wednesday, January 07, 2009

[mood: irritable]
[location: where else can i be?]
[now playin': Chemicals React - Aly & AJ]

Work was a bitch! Okay, i don't mean it that way. I went to work in the afternoon and...this was what happened...A customer (those wannabe-high-class aunty type) came to me and asked me to get her colouring books for lil kids.

Me: *shows her a couple of books* We only have these here.
Customer: I dont want this. I want the book that is thick with big pictures. I bought it here last time.
Me: I'm sorry Ma'am but I dont think we carry it here. Perhaps you can tell me the title of the book or what it looks like?
Customer: I cannot remember but i know it's very thick
Me: *thinks* wtf? We have so many thick colouring books man!
Customer: Can you open these colouring books for me?*hands me a whole stack of wrapped colouring books*
Me: *smiles patiently* Okay sure

(after opening all the dumb books for her)

Customer: No. These aren't the books
Me: *thinks* WTF?! You made me open those books and now you tell me this?!
Me: Okay, But, I'm sorry cos these are the only ones we have here. Perhaps we already did a return of that book.
Customer: *takes an UNWRAPPED colouring book* Nevermind. I'll get this instead
Me: *says in my heart* KNS! YOU MADE ME WASTE MY TIME AND NOW YOU SAY THIS and worse still! You took a book that is UNWRAPPED?!?!
Me: Okay *fakes a smile impatiently* no problem.

Customer: *takes out money and hands it to me*
Me: *blur* Sorry but I'm not the cashier. You have to pay at the cashier
Customer: Huh? You all have a cashier?


Which century is she from?! And DUH we have a cashier! We even have a HUMONGOUS sign saying, "CASHIER". DANG! -.-" I was so annoyed luh! She must be my first NIGHTMARE customer from hell! And I had to keep re-mopping the floor cos of some annoying arseholes who kept dragging their dirty shoes on the floors of my department! It was so annoying!!!


I was in the MOST IMPATIENT AND IRRITABLE mood today luh! People just continued to piss me off the whole day and I was at the brink of snapping at people. Thankfully I didn't. Afterall, I still have a clean record. :)

Anyway, Shan Shan and I did housekeeping together today and heck! We had ALOT of fun although there was ALOT of rubbish to throw and we were thinking of how to stuff them tgt so we wont needa make two trips to the smelly dump. And yeah, Thanks to my brains and her help, we had fun and made only one trip down. We (actually it was ME) took loads of photos too! It was awesome! :)
Okay, I know i'm not allowed to take photos in pop or use my cell when I'm working. But technically I was on the phone with another outlet and I was working so no harm right? *grins cheekily*

I was perspiring and That there is my "art piece". LOL.
Lookie here! There's Shan(at the back) doing something and there's me camwhoring! 

There's my "art piece" - Cardbox house for cardboxes. HAHA

OH WOW! Look at YanYan! All grown up and...throwing cardboxes?!!? LOL.

Check out my nails!

Oh yeah! About my nails, Javin doesn't like it. She says it looks scary. Joel says it looks like a vampires' nails but it's nice. LOL. DUH! Haha. I think people think too much of vampire these days (especially when there's a Twilight saga going on!) Steven, Esther and Pin Pin thinks it looks cool and nice. LOL. And I "edited" my nails. I painted it half pink now. Haha. So it's half pink-half red. OMFG! *screams*

We explored and we saw this. I could help but to have a photo (or maybe more) with it!
I FORCED her to take this photo. You have NO IDEA what I went thru to get her to take this photo. Kiddin'! Haha.

Okay. I'm off tomorrow and the following day. HOORAY! Okay, I've got a long day ahead (yeah, although I'm not working!). So I'll update soonish?