mood: chirpy whirpy!
location: my fantasy island
now playin': Better in time - Leona Lewis
Okay, can I err..upload SOME of the pictures and call that a post? Haha. Short update on today. I was SUPPOSED to jog at 10.30AM and I overslept till dearest S called me at 11am. HAHA. It was like...
Me: *yawns damn loudly* Yeahh?
Sarah: Hey, are we still....are you still asleep?!
Me: *mumbles* Yeahh...why why?
Sarah: So are we still gonna hangout to do Maths later?
Me: Oh yeah! Yes yes.
Sarah: Wake up now!
Me: *whines* I'm still so sleepy!! I want to sleep!!
Sarah: Eh girl! Already 11am you know! Wake up luh!
Me: SHIT! I was supposed to go jogging at 10.30!!
Sarah: Yea and what time is it now?
HAHA! Damn funny luh. Cos I really thought I already went jogging cos I was jogging in my sleep! REALLY! Darn funny I tell you! So she crashed at my place after school and did Maths after we caught up with each other. Then we tried to figure this dumb equation thatmade no sense in my life. LOL. Then I DRAGGED her jogging with me. MUAHAHAH! We jogged a new route, but it was the same as the guy's route luh. And we didn't even stop once!! We jogged and jogged! YAY! For a person who hasnt jogged in months, I still have the stamina. Haha.Went to Pop cos she need to find her SS book but to no avail. Went to the exercising corner near my place to crash and took some pictures and did a vid. ILY S! Haha! And C, IMY! :(
Bestie! Have fun at BKK and Take Care! :D

I was so annoyed! I finally got WC to smile properly and I just HAD to cut myself off. WTF? But it's okay, I've finally got him to smile sweetly. LOL.

This is why Jason is crazy about her. LOL


This is Javin. Behind her are Ah Kim & Desmond.

I look so tired. Sigh. how fugly. LOL. But S looks cute!

She'll be coming 'round the montain when she comes!

I was high on happiness & cola. LOL.

I'll upload the rest another day *yawns*. If yall wanna see pictures that were taken when I crashed at crist's, check out my Facebook or hers. LOL. Im tired and I wanna rest. SHUCKS! I dont wanna work tmr! *pouts*
Last shoutout,
(besides eddie & alex!)
But whatever it is, S, we're still gonna have breakfast tgt on the 14th! :D