Saturday, July 25, 2009

mood: lazy
location: room
now playin':Overloved - Paula DeAnda
Okay, I finally have time to blog about the week! Sheesh!


Lesson was bullshit. That loser in the group didnt come to school. Why doesnt that person just quit school so that we needn't think about whether we should include her in the proposal/group work or not?! I was damn tired and I ended up falling asleep in class during Intan's group presentation. LOL. Sorry ah kak tan! And I was sitting right infront of the Faci. LOL. Nothing much happened. The day was super boring.


Was sick. Had all the symptoms of H1N1. LOL. I had a black face, or that was what Jurong East said. LOL. I think I mentioned this in the previous post. LOL.


I blogged on Wed in my previous post too but that was before I headed out to C's place to pass Tita the money to be passed to Chels cos I ordered Facial Mask from Chels. :) It was all fine until I took the stairs down. It was all fine until I missed a step somehow and PIAK! I sprained my ankle with an even louder crack than previously. And you know what sucked the most? The fact that it was THE SAME BLOODY ANKLE THAT I JUST SPRAINED last month which wasn't even completely healed yet! I cried. It was damn painful. TOTALLY SUCKED LIKE DUCKS FUCK! So I made my way back to my house and wore the ankle guard and slowly made my way to C's. I took like 10minutes plus? Not exaggerating man! And FYI - her place is just across the street and I dont even need half of that time to reach her place!

Whined to Zas about my ankle. HAHAH. She said no one bitched with her for the whole day in school cos I wasnt online. AWW! SHE MISSED ME! :P Got home & mummy rubbed my ankle and told me to stop moving around cos it was bloody swollen! I decided to use the "koyok" thingy. It worked well! Rested and rested and rested.


Mummy sent me to school, THANKFULLY! By that time, it was swollen. Andrea said I should change my specs or change my eye balls. HAHAHAHAHAH! Okay, damn funny! And I didnt dare take the medication cos all of them would make me drowsy. And as a reult, I started burning up. I didn't rebut the jiao faci or whatever. Afterall,it was her last day & I was sick. So I couldn't be bothered.

Had Drama group meeting for our upcoming play which will tentatively be on the 13th of August. :) Had a short rehearsal. Okay wait, not really rehearsal. But more of a test on how well we are able to act in roles thrown to us. Was pretty well done. Except for the parts where Aishah & I laughed uncontrollably and I smiled and smiled and BAM! Laughed my guts out. HAHA! Settled some parts of the script. I'm going to act a funny part. So funny that I think I'm going to laugh again. It's not a BIG part. Neither is it a SMALL part. I don't really care about how big or small the part is. There are no small parts, only small actors. And I honestly can't wait to see the costumes. HAHAH! I think I'll laugh like MAD! LOLLOLLOL.


The "koyok" thingy worked bloody well and the pain wasn't that bad. And I wore formal. All dressed up for an interview. LOL. And I wore heels despite my ankle still hurting. Found the SHORTEST high heel. LOL. Mum wanted to send me but sis decided to take the car to work instead. And it just HAD TO RAIN. And I was carrying my laptop & all & so I didnt use the brolly that was in my bag. Totally defeated the purpose of a brolly. -.- I wanted to cry otw to school. I was being rained on and my ankle was hurting like MAD! I was temopted to take a cab there but decided to tahan. So I did. And I bumped into WC! Haha. And not only did I have someone to talk to on the way to school but I had someone to cover me with his brolly! :D

I got to class and HECK! It was a WOW-ER! Everyone there was well dressed! In fact, I felt a tad UNDER-DRESSED! All I threw on was a white skinnies, blue spaghetti top and threw on a blazer. Looked quite formal but not as formal as the rest. Haha. But lesson was AWESOME! :) Webcamwhored with KeeTeng during our break.

look at my chio nails! and hers as well luh. :)
my classmates said I act cute. But I'm naturally cute what!

I couldn't roll my tongue. :( lol

i cant see my eyes. can you? LOL

My group did a skit for our presentation. I played the part of a bitchy and over-confident interviewee who went for a job interview. Apparently my classmates & Jacob felt I WASNT ACTING. They said I was just being ME. HAHAHAHA! They said I'm just naturally like that. Wah! Thanks ah! Im a bitchy bimbo. Swee or what?! LOL. And to add on top of that, Jacob had a great time suan-ing me for like five times? Or maybe even more than that! TSK TSK! And for that, I'd better get an A. SERIOUSLY. Jacob was being really bitchy. LOL. Like in a funny-bitchy way. I wrote about the skit on my FB and he commented on it, acting all innocent. TSK!
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And that Muthe ah! Really not helping luh! Lol. And after school, we took class photos since it was rare that all of us were all dressed-up and all. Wanted to go Ignite but didnt know if I should go. -.- And was supposed to meet Diana at YCK & mum suddenly said she wanted to bring me to this restaurant at AMK for dinner. Idk what la. Then Zasy came to find for me before meeting her friend. Apparently I was called dao. LOL. Anyways, walked to MRT station with Fariza & KeeTeng. Camwhored in the Ladies'.

i was trying to be seen in the photo since she was hogging it. LOL


LOL. And then Diana texted me saying she wasnt well. So ended up going home first to put my laptop & all down. And sis had the car so Mum & I had to take the train. -.- I hate public transport, for real. TSK. I feel like whining now. =X And mum wasn't sure where the bloody place was.

We WALKED and combed the whole AMK area for a whole 2hours plus and we still couldn't find it. SO we gave up. Bus-ed to Yishun, bought dinner & bus-ed home. Saw that Steven Lim guy. He looks worse in real life than on teevee. HAHAH! Okay. Im so mean, sorry. =/ And my blisters just got from bad to worse! My feet hurts till now!

Reached home at around 840pm? Bathed and all. Watched teevo & had dinner. 10pm started on my resume which was half-done. Attempted the RJ but heck! I spent and hour of my life trying to figure out the bloody RJ! Honestly, I had no idea how to do. It was like..not much of a link to the day's lesson! Zasy, Ed & JR weren't able to help either. Haha! Evelyn & I ended up asking each other how to do but both dont know. HAHA! Oh and I opened my TweetDeck and saw something HILARIOUS.
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I SWEAR JACOB FEELS GUILTY FOR SUAN-ING ME! MUAHAHA! And then I laughed and told him I'm expecting an A, for real. Oh & Drew chatted with me. Which was hilarious. He was happy I was in a good mood. Good Mood = Can entertain him & talk cock with him. HAHAHA!
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And he thought I grew taller when I was actually only wearing heels! HAHAHA! It was hilarious. Had a conference convo with Ray Ray & Zasy till like 1plus? Apparently I was still doing some parts of the proposal for communication and was still thinking of the RJ shit. =X Slept at like 3plus in the morning?


Fasting to pay up for those days I couldn't fast last year. WHich explains why I'm home. Wanted to go for the Ignite later. Mum told me to go if I wanted to since RP is nearby and I didn't go yesterday. She said I could go after breaking fast. But I'd be damn lazy by then. I still have to send bro's jacket to the laundry (FYI - I'm being paid to do so). And moreover, my feet are still aching. HAHA. And Zasy wanted to meet but lazy to come here. LOL. She wanted me to go CCK to find for her. TSK! Haha. So I think we're not gonna meet up afterall. HAHA! I'm too tired to go all the way there & she's too lazy to come here. Lol. That stupid bitch. :) Anyway, I think staying home today ain't so bad. Afterall, I haven't actually fully recovered. Haha. So yeah. I think that wraps up this post.


I must blog this out. WJ asked me how was ignite ytd. And i said I didnt go. And here's the convo. I think you'll laugh your asses off. HAHA
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HE FELL FOR IT! HAHAHA! HE BELIEVED I HAVE A BF. HAHAHAH! OMFG! He is so gullible! HAHAHA! SHit! I shouldn't have blown the cover. I should have continued the suspense. HAHAHA! My gosh! It was DAMN HILARIOUS! I laughed till I cried. hahahahha! And now, Drew is in a really good mood. LOL. Yesterday was me, today is him. I think I bring people good luck. LOL! Omg, so thick-skin. HAHA. :P

Okay, I'll end off here. :)