Wednesday, July 22, 2009

mood: happy yet lethargic
now playin':
I've just had like 15hours of sleep and man! It can't get better than this! I feel better now. I think I just lack enough sleep and my life's a constant rush-rush. But still, I'm having a throbbing headache which is being annoying and a sore-throat with occasional coughs. Flu's getting better though.

Oh yeah,


Okay and GUESS WHAT? I finally got my B for cognitive after much efforts trying to be nice, polite and some sucking-up to the bloody faci. Well, it clearly shows that she likes bootlickers. -.-" And for this, I shant bring th ematter to the module chair. And which also means, to get my A, I have to suck-up to her more. WTF? -.- And she said I've a really positive attitude. LOLLOLLOL.

Anyways, I regret to say I'm not going to update proper update. Not in the mood to do so. I'm still feeling lethargic and sick. I forgot to take my medication this morning even though I'm aware mummy woke me up like a million times. The medication works really well. Haha. So yes, I need to take the medication now.
