mood: sick
location: room
now playin':How do you sleep - Jesse Mccartney
I'm sick. Like really sick. I wore a black face, or at least that's what "Jurong East" said. He asked Z what happened to me and Z was shocked and asked me. HAHA! Actually alot of people also said I look "cloudy". What a metaphor. Haha. Saffwan said I looked sick. Well, I wanted to leave early but I would have gotten an "F" which would totally be like wtf? I would have wasted my efforts of coming to school.
Saffwan's reply damn funny luh. And yes, I stayed till presentation. I'll get a D. I can so predict it. :( Left school straight after my presentation. Mummy picked me up. I told her i'd like to see the doctor so we did. And yes, I had fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat. All the symptoms of H1N1. (YG would be happy to see this) And when they saw I was from RP. The nurses' body language was like panicky which made me super paranoid. Moreover, I felt really nauseous and the heat made me dizzy. And it didn't help that my "BFF" was giving me the worse cramps ever!
The doc said that I had mild flu and I should rest more and that I fell ill was most probably due to stress and fatigue. :( This is what a fast-paced life does to one. And he gave me 2days MC which INCLUDED today. -.- Might as well dont give for today seh. Sent Kitty to the vet for a routine check-up and came home. Took medicine and now it's really making me damn drowsy.
SO yeah, I wont be going to school tomorrow. As much as I'm glad to finally have a peaceful day without any bullshit problem statements (especially since tmr is Science), I'm kinda unhappy that there'll be a fugly "X" in my attendance.
ANyways, I'll do a proper update tomorrow if I'm feeling better. I need to rest now. I'm having really bad dizzy spells. :(
(first break)
Faci: If you cannot tahan then go home, better to rest
Me: Faci, if you ensure that you'll give a C minimum, I'll leave right now.
Faci: Huh? Cannot lah. You never stay throughout you know
Me: Then nvm. I'll stay until presentation
(during lunch break)
Faci: So how?
Me: You promise me first that you wont give me anything worse than C and I'll gladly pack up my bag and get out of here and spare everyone my virus.
Faci: cannot la. hahahah
Me: LOL. Okay luh, I'll just sit here, rot, maybe die in the process and infect the whole class with whatever virus I have. :)
Faci: HUH? AIYO! Cannot like that la!
Faci: If you cannot tahan then go home, better to rest
Me: Faci, if you ensure that you'll give a C minimum, I'll leave right now.
Faci: Huh? Cannot lah. You never stay throughout you know
Me: Then nvm. I'll stay until presentation
(during lunch break)
Faci: So how?
Me: You promise me first that you wont give me anything worse than C and I'll gladly pack up my bag and get out of here and spare everyone my virus.
Faci: cannot la. hahahah
Me: LOL. Okay luh, I'll just sit here, rot, maybe die in the process and infect the whole class with whatever virus I have. :)
Faci: HUH? AIYO! Cannot like that la!
Saffwan's reply damn funny luh. And yes, I stayed till presentation. I'll get a D. I can so predict it. :( Left school straight after my presentation. Mummy picked me up. I told her i'd like to see the doctor so we did. And yes, I had fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat. All the symptoms of H1N1. (YG would be happy to see this) And when they saw I was from RP. The nurses' body language was like panicky which made me super paranoid. Moreover, I felt really nauseous and the heat made me dizzy. And it didn't help that my "BFF" was giving me the worse cramps ever!
The doc said that I had mild flu and I should rest more and that I fell ill was most probably due to stress and fatigue. :( This is what a fast-paced life does to one. And he gave me 2days MC which INCLUDED today. -.- Might as well dont give for today seh. Sent Kitty to the vet for a routine check-up and came home. Took medicine and now it's really making me damn drowsy.
SO yeah, I wont be going to school tomorrow. As much as I'm glad to finally have a peaceful day without any bullshit problem statements (especially since tmr is Science), I'm kinda unhappy that there'll be a fugly "X" in my attendance.
ANyways, I'll do a proper update tomorrow if I'm feeling better. I need to rest now. I'm having really bad dizzy spells. :(
P/S: Sorry if I was in a foul mood today & for the rude replies. And thanks for the concern :)
P/S/S: Sorry YG to disappoint you. I DONT HAVE H1N1. SO I can't infect you. LOL.
P/S/S: Sorry YG to disappoint you. I DONT HAVE H1N1. SO I can't infect you. LOL.