Wednesday, August 05, 2009

mood: sleepy
now playin':
It's science today. :( 1 more week of school before UT3. YAY! Rehearsals have been going AWESOOOOMMMMEEE~ Oh and they're planning to postpone the date for the Playtime production since many of the groups aren't ready yet. :( Anyway, rehearsal in from of the drama people yesterday was fun although we had loads to improve on. YAY US! We're nearlyyyy done with everything! :D Anyways, I wanna sleep. Zas & J arent in school. So I have basically no one to bitch with on MSN. :( Oh second thoughts, I DO! LOL. GET WELL SOON BITCH & J! Lesson today is a drag. And my UT2 grade for Comms is out! I got a B+! YAY! I improved from UT1! :D

To wrap up with awesomely boring & random post, I wonder why some people have just OH-SO-MUCH comments on how & what I blog about. -.- And this/these person/people dont even have the guts to write their REAL name. And you said"I don't even know you..."

SEE! That's the point! YOU DONT KNOW ME! -.- Geez. Seriously, you called me a loser, like as if you arent. You're more of a loserrrrrr by not even having the balls/cunt to even write your real name. And since you don't know me, why judge me? You are what? GOD? TSK! Self-denial~ And if I'm soooooo irritating or whatever, DONT READ MY BLOG LA! You called me an idiot, but I have like reasons to believe that the idiot if nonetheless than YOU YOURSELF. -.-" And whatever I wrote here is MY thoughts. Seriously, if you just have something SO AGAINST me &/or my blog, Dont read it. No one's forcing you at gun point to read my blog. But since you're paying SO MUCH ATTENTION to my blogposts, I reckon I oughtta be touched. *smirks* Another thing, spamming is for mentally deranged morons (and I believe I have mentioned that earlier in my blog). *applause* You just shot your own foot. You admitted that you're mentally deranged. HA. HA. HA. IN YOUR FACE! And yeah sure, I'm fat. I totally agree & admit. -.- What's wrong with being fat? Your no better, cos you're fat on your own ego. And at least, I have natural bums & boobs to show for it. Unlike you. I'm assuming you have nothing to show and that's why you have so much comments on me being fat. HAHAHA! Or maybe you're......a.....GALA? Or CHOPSTICK? Okay, no matter now bitchy I am, at least I agree and admit it right? Actually, EVERYONE is a bitch in one way or another. So come off it! Stop being such a hypocrite you pretentious piece of trash. -.-

Okie dokie. With that, I shall ATTEMPT to help my group with today's lesson. Sigh, science S.L.D.F. SERIOUSLY. Shall plan an outing with SEETHEASS soonish! MUST MUST MUST! :) I'll upload pictures soonish along with my PROPER post. :D