mood: tired
location: room
now playin':
This has been a terrible, upsetting, moody, tiring, sleepy, boring and hectic week. My mood & emotions have been all over the place. I'll do my usually weekly update but I'll start from today and move backwards till Wednesday since I've already done an update on Monday & Tuesday.
To start off,
Had rehearsal. Was supposed to be at the usual place at TRCC by 11am. Left home at like 1037am. Rushed like mad. And thanks to that, I jaywalked & got fucking fined! YES, YOU SAW THAT RIGHT. I WAS FINED FOR JAYWALKING! 30 bucks some more! WTF LA! And the dumb traffic police guy just went on and on about the dangers of jay walking. & I wasnt the only one, there were 2 more idiots who jay walked with me. LOL. I was so pissed cos I was already in a rush and that idiotic policeman kept going on and on even after i told him i was late. -.- By then it was 1049am. I missed the train and had to wait till like 1053for the next train. I was like imagining everyone there already luh!
I texted a few people about what happened. LOL. I needed to bitch. JR laughed like mad and was wondering how the hell did i not notice the policeman. C pitied me cos i always got into trouble and moreover, it was costly and always wrong timing. -.- Bitch thinks im DAMN SUAY! I complained to my mum & Sis about me getting fined. My mum didnt say much. But she thought I was pulling her leg at first, then just told me to pay for the fine myself. HAHAH. My sis was shocked. And when I reached TRCC, I found out I was the FIRST to reach and that was like 1118am!! -.- I was late and yet the first. So I was quite pissed. The rest reached at like....1132am onwards? -.- I was complaining to Jack & Aishah about me getting fined. LOL.
Rehearsals officially begun. It was hell. Not in the sense hectic or whatever but more of tough. So many NGs. Jack mentally tortured me when I was unable to think of a string of random words for my line. I felt like a mental block. I mean...when someone asks you to be randomly thinking & saying a string of random words, it can't come out. I mean, for me luh. It was fustrating for me. And I think for Jack also luh. Like he cannot force the emotions accompanied with those random words out of me without me thinking of the random words (which means it's no longer random). But other than that, I managed to say my lines well with the emotions. I only fell short on them with the random words. :( Made me really disappointed with myself. I have to really spend more time reading & memorising my lines before Monday lest Jack kills me. Lol.
Rehearsals ended at 2plus. They went for some workshop. I headed to AMK for abit then went home.
Jacob decided to act cute & "disband" my group. So I got put into Kak Tan's group, on purpose. -.- Apparently, he know's I hate GAGAP to the core thats why he likes to dump me with him. #$%^! I was damn tired. I couldn't focus. I was too tired. My mind wasn't in class (and no, it wasn't in any other class either -.-). See, I can like totaly predict what my readers (or at least my classmates) would be thinking of when they read my posts. :D The problem statement was DAMN LAME. And Jacob kept "HUR-ing" me. -.- SO ANYWAYS, chatted with C on MSN. Haha. super fun. And then went down for 2nd break with Fariza & Farrah. Couldn't think of what to eat cos I wasn't even that hungry. Then went up, talked to kak tan about someone that was a bitch to me when I didnt even know her. -.- And then Zas called to meet. Then Went to find her & Jael. :) Ended up not eating, AGAIN! Haha. I can totally lose weight, i think so lah. Then GAGAP came back late, AS PER USUAL. And then we went out to do up our mindmap & all for the HR Management shit. He was a fucking bitch who has no life and is fucking inconsiderate. He is a waste of resource, energy, space & most importantly, OXYGEN.
(this isn't considered much of cyberbullying since apparently no IC name was mentioned. -.- so get a life if you think im talking about you since you have something to be guilty about -.-)
And thus, that person should just fucking die a terrible death and stop wasting so much of earth's resources! Kak Tan was also bloody pissed with him. Her facial expression was FUCKING CLASSIC. And then she said something that made me laugh like mad. She said, "No GAGAP (she called his name luh, but im not gna mention his name). YOU listen to ME!" HAHAHA! He was fucking scared. His face says it all! And I was a bitch to him. I showed my displeasure by being bitchily sarcastic. Sorry, I couldn't take his moronic ways. He was like bossing us around. And worse part, he says he doesnt care but pokes his overly large nose in EVERYTHING and gets all mad is a teensy weensy thing goes wrong. -.- His reactions were all very redundant & uncalled for luh! And presentation time, he screwed things up for himself. MUAHAHA! All of us were like, PADAN MUKA (which means Serves him right!)!!! HAHAHHA. LOSERRR~
Had plans to meet WC after school to study apparently he asked me to watch HP with him cos he was waiting for me to watch with him. Well, I alrdy watched it with Dick a longggg time ago. RIGHT NOT AH DICK? :D In the end WC went to watch it with his friend and didnt meet to study. -.- And he told me he wasnt going at first than when school ended, he said he was going with his friend. -.- I have something against people who cancel out on me 3hours or less before the time we meet. It irritates and pisses me off to the core. Seriously.
ANYWAYS, went to Macs with Fariza, Saffwan, FiFi & Haikal. Went to get me SHAKERRRR FRIES! Then went off to meet C under my block. Went to Yishun with her. Accompanied her for her threading. We had a great conversation. I haven't told her loads of stuff yet but I managed to tell her the important ones. :D Went to Macs (YES, AGAIN) and bought the cornetto macflurry! ahhh! the loves! :) Was tempted to buy shaker fries, AGAIN! But didnt. She sent me to the Interchange and we talked more. Took photos but i'll upload once I get them :) Bus-ed home. I knocked out really early.
S, I miss you. :(
Lesson was super boring. Jess & Saffwan joined my team. Lesson was super boring (yes, im repeating this again). Dearest bitch added me into a convo filled with people idk, AGAIN! Haha! It was damn fun! Made friends with ZhiHao & Dominic. And Idk who are they. HAHAHAHA! It was fun luh. Made me laugh like MAD! Then went to meet Bitch & J for lunch. They came to my class. I skipped lunch again. HAHAHAH. We camwhored in my class.

Went to meet my production group to confirm our script. And we finished & confirmed it! :)
SCIENCE SUCKED! It was fucking boring. But rather easy. I actually understood! :D Took alot of quizzes on FB which left me laughing my ass off! hahaha. Lemme show you why...
My first attempt on Marriage Bot. Poor MingShen. HAHAH. Clem 2nd. Fiq 1st. LOL

My second attempt on the MarriageBot. Clem 2nd AGAIN. Fiq 1st AGAIN. I'd run away from Victor, that was damn funny & me & sieg was simply HILARIOUS! HAHAHHA
FriendBot....Fiq first, AGAIN. Clement 2nd AGAIN. Read Joel's comment. I laughed like mad. HAHA.
CrushBot. Fiq 1st, Clem 2nd. AGAIN SIOL! wahlaooooooeh! Sieg 3rd and read YZ's comment. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyways, here's my class for

To start off,
Had rehearsal. Was supposed to be at the usual place at TRCC by 11am. Left home at like 1037am. Rushed like mad. And thanks to that, I jaywalked & got fucking fined! YES, YOU SAW THAT RIGHT. I WAS FINED FOR JAYWALKING! 30 bucks some more! WTF LA! And the dumb traffic police guy just went on and on about the dangers of jay walking. & I wasnt the only one, there were 2 more idiots who jay walked with me. LOL. I was so pissed cos I was already in a rush and that idiotic policeman kept going on and on even after i told him i was late. -.- By then it was 1049am. I missed the train and had to wait till like 1053for the next train. I was like imagining everyone there already luh!
I texted a few people about what happened. LOL. I needed to bitch. JR laughed like mad and was wondering how the hell did i not notice the policeman. C pitied me cos i always got into trouble and moreover, it was costly and always wrong timing. -.- Bitch thinks im DAMN SUAY! I complained to my mum & Sis about me getting fined. My mum didnt say much. But she thought I was pulling her leg at first, then just told me to pay for the fine myself. HAHAH. My sis was shocked. And when I reached TRCC, I found out I was the FIRST to reach and that was like 1118am!! -.- I was late and yet the first. So I was quite pissed. The rest reached at like....1132am onwards? -.- I was complaining to Jack & Aishah about me getting fined. LOL.
Rehearsals officially begun. It was hell. Not in the sense hectic or whatever but more of tough. So many NGs. Jack mentally tortured me when I was unable to think of a string of random words for my line. I felt like a mental block. I mean...when someone asks you to be randomly thinking & saying a string of random words, it can't come out. I mean, for me luh. It was fustrating for me. And I think for Jack also luh. Like he cannot force the emotions accompanied with those random words out of me without me thinking of the random words (which means it's no longer random). But other than that, I managed to say my lines well with the emotions. I only fell short on them with the random words. :( Made me really disappointed with myself. I have to really spend more time reading & memorising my lines before Monday lest Jack kills me. Lol.
Rehearsals ended at 2plus. They went for some workshop. I headed to AMK for abit then went home.
Jacob decided to act cute & "disband" my group. So I got put into Kak Tan's group, on purpose. -.- Apparently, he know's I hate GAGAP to the core thats why he likes to dump me with him. #$%^! I was damn tired. I couldn't focus. I was too tired. My mind wasn't in class (and no, it wasn't in any other class either -.-). See, I can like totaly predict what my readers (or at least my classmates) would be thinking of when they read my posts. :D The problem statement was DAMN LAME. And Jacob kept "HUR-ing" me. -.- SO ANYWAYS, chatted with C on MSN. Haha. super fun. And then went down for 2nd break with Fariza & Farrah. Couldn't think of what to eat cos I wasn't even that hungry. Then went up, talked to kak tan about someone that was a bitch to me when I didnt even know her. -.- And then Zas called to meet. Then Went to find her & Jael. :) Ended up not eating, AGAIN! Haha. I can totally lose weight, i think so lah. Then GAGAP came back late, AS PER USUAL. And then we went out to do up our mindmap & all for the HR Management shit. He was a fucking bitch who has no life and is fucking inconsiderate. He is a waste of resource, energy, space & most importantly, OXYGEN.
(this isn't considered much of cyberbullying since apparently no IC name was mentioned. -.- so get a life if you think im talking about you since you have something to be guilty about -.-)
And thus, that person should just fucking die a terrible death and stop wasting so much of earth's resources! Kak Tan was also bloody pissed with him. Her facial expression was FUCKING CLASSIC. And then she said something that made me laugh like mad. She said, "No GAGAP (she called his name luh, but im not gna mention his name). YOU listen to ME!" HAHAHA! He was fucking scared. His face says it all! And I was a bitch to him. I showed my displeasure by being bitchily sarcastic. Sorry, I couldn't take his moronic ways. He was like bossing us around. And worse part, he says he doesnt care but pokes his overly large nose in EVERYTHING and gets all mad is a teensy weensy thing goes wrong. -.- His reactions were all very redundant & uncalled for luh! And presentation time, he screwed things up for himself. MUAHAHA! All of us were like, PADAN MUKA (which means Serves him right!)!!! HAHAHHA. LOSERRR~
Had plans to meet WC after school to study apparently he asked me to watch HP with him cos he was waiting for me to watch with him. Well, I alrdy watched it with Dick a longggg time ago. RIGHT NOT AH DICK? :D In the end WC went to watch it with his friend and didnt meet to study. -.- And he told me he wasnt going at first than when school ended, he said he was going with his friend. -.- I have something against people who cancel out on me 3hours or less before the time we meet. It irritates and pisses me off to the core. Seriously.
ANYWAYS, went to Macs with Fariza, Saffwan, FiFi & Haikal. Went to get me SHAKERRRR FRIES! Then went off to meet C under my block. Went to Yishun with her. Accompanied her for her threading. We had a great conversation. I haven't told her loads of stuff yet but I managed to tell her the important ones. :D Went to Macs (YES, AGAIN) and bought the cornetto macflurry! ahhh! the loves! :) Was tempted to buy shaker fries, AGAIN! But didnt. She sent me to the Interchange and we talked more. Took photos but i'll upload once I get them :) Bus-ed home. I knocked out really early.
S, I miss you. :(
(p/s that bitchy finally gave me an A last week)
Lesson was super boring. Jess & Saffwan joined my team. Lesson was super boring (yes, im repeating this again). Dearest bitch added me into a convo filled with people idk, AGAIN! Haha! It was damn fun! Made friends with ZhiHao & Dominic. And Idk who are they. HAHAHAHA! It was fun luh. Made me laugh like MAD! Then went to meet Bitch & J for lunch. They came to my class. I skipped lunch again. HAHAHAH. We camwhored in my class.

Went to meet my production group to confirm our script. And we finished & confirmed it! :)
SCIENCE SUCKED! It was fucking boring. But rather easy. I actually understood! :D Took alot of quizzes on FB which left me laughing my ass off! hahaha. Lemme show you why...

My second attempt on the MarriageBot. Clem 2nd AGAIN. Fiq 1st AGAIN. I'd run away from Victor, that was damn funny & me & sieg was simply HILARIOUS! HAHAHHA

Anyways, here's my class for