Saturday, October 17, 2009

mood: distracted
location: bedroom
now playin':

(this is gonna be a long post....geez!)

Okay, I've had a very very very terribly bad week. Which explained why I was really quiet in class. HAHA. Apparently my classmates found it to be really awkward when i was quiet. Everyday, that person ruined my morning and idk how many times i cried on the way to school. feel like sucha loserr~ :(

Thanks bitchtie C for hearing me cry and rant everything out that day. You managed to calm me down and you showed me how much i mean to you. :) Thanks Intan for the packed food, totally cheered me up. Thanks Dian for buying me waffles in attempt to cheer me up. ahah. You got my favourite flavour somemore! :) Thanks fariza for that goodnight message, i swear it made me smile. Thank you Ang WenJie for all the gay moment while we were webcamming and listening to my problems. Thanks Afiqa & Shireen for listening to me and speaking up for me that day and the hugs that made me feel better. Thanks Diana for telling me how much you hate seeing me cry and cheering me up.


I'm beginning to like E36F. I've grown warm in that class. I dare to shout, scream, argue, laugh like i want the whole world to hear my laughter and shout vulgarities like they're a normal thing to say. Haha. My classmates are a "SUAN-SATION" bunch. All suan suan suan suan suan! Hahaha. But I like luh. Got some people who are FREAKIN' SIBUK TO THE MAX. And these people always kena suan from me until they cannot make it. HAHAH. I swear Dian knows what im talking about. :) But they're still a funny bunch. :)

Anyways, I wanted to blog about Monday! Okay okay. So we were having maths lesson which was purely C.R.A.P. The faci doesnt even know a single shit about Vectors and yet she's teaching us?! Wtf luh. So my classmates planned to partial (which means leave halfway thru lesson). Actually i wanted to leave also luh but I was afraid my grades will be greatly affected so in the end, 3/4 of my classmates left to go play xbox 360 & wii while the rest of the 1/4 struggled like mad. Ended up those who left got a D grade and those who stayed had a C.


If i had known, I swear I would have like bloody hell partial also la! #$%^&*%$#@#$%^&*^%$#$%^&*&^%$#$%^&*!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that faci so much. Apparently I asked her to explain to me whats vectors and her reply was...

"Why dont you go and sign up for the CE Activity about vectors next week?"

WTF? She's the faci so she has to HELP which also means to EXPLAIN when i want her to! And why would i want to go for an activity NEXT WEEK when this week's lesson would be over by then!? -.- Idiot or what sia?! So i shot her in my RJ. hahahahaha. (Y)

Anyways, my grades are dropping faster than the atomic bomb that dropped on...the 2 Japanese cities(apparently i dont rmb the names of the cities. LOL)! Bad, i know. And I've been so busy with Drama and the Reflections will be on the 6th Nov and my UT1 will commence on the 9th Nov. OMG OMG OMG. I think im gonna flunk. FO' REAL.

Oh yeah, talkin' 'bout Drama. We're all preparing for production for the upcoming Reflections and it's a rush-rush thing. Auditions last Tuesday. I'm the assistant Stage Manager (ASM) & also the under costumes. Which means I have to be down for every single rehearsals. And it ends at 9pm. Apparently, I cant stay that late so i always leave ard 8. By the time I get home I'll be too tired to revise. LOL. Oh wait, I dont go revision, I forgot. -.- Oh yeah, Audition was fun. im proud of myself. We had to sing a song of our own each and I chose White Horse by Taylor Swift. Apparently, I found out I still can sing. HAHAHAH. The dancing part was so funny that I just stood there laughing. I think that caused me to not do well. HAHAH. But my singing was a wow-er to me and my friends. :)


Oh yeah! And for the whole of last week, I've been webcamming. FUN LIKE MAD! I'm so jealous that WJ & Big Loony(mit) are in the same class. And it's so unfair that their class has ALOT of cute guys! :( Hot Guys (N) Cute Guys (Y). ^^v Been webcamming with them. Damn funny ah. Anyways, Jessie told me that Clarence looked like WX. HAHAHAH! FUNNY LIKE MAD AH. Cos i dont think they even look alike. Hahah.

Oh yeah, I have actually alot to blog about but I'm fugging lazy. =|I need more moolah. For those who dont know, I've stopped getting allowance because dowager's being a real bitch and giving me hell right now. I'm planning to work....BUT I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO TIME! So I think I'll just stick to try freaking hard to starve myself so that I can save whatever's left of my hari raya money (which really isnt much left after all my shopping sprees) to SHOP! I'm DYING to shop. :(

I think I have to start a charity outlet for myself. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Okay, kidding. I wanna go kbox. MOOLAH~ ME NEED LOADS AND LOADS OF MOOLAH! Can like money drop from the sky for ONLY me right now?? Please? please? ^^

Oh and Dylan, if you're reading this, sorry couldn't meet you up today for my belated birthday swensens treat HAHAH. Next week or something? And, Dick, I miss you. Slack together soonish? Haha. BeneDICKK chua bao jin! Where the f are you?!?! Meet up soon la dey! :)