location: room
now playin':If today was your last day - Nickleback
I'd rather dowager shut the fuck up and not talk to me than scream & curse at me for NOTHING. -.- Like I've been saying, I never begged or asked to be brought into this world. In fact, I'm trying so hard to get knocked down. Apparently, it's more difficult than it seems because I'll just end up getting honked at. -.-
Anyways, I DREAMT I WAS THE PINK RANGER last night! \m/ COOL OR WOT?! :D
And did I mention I'm like the chubbiest person in my class? :( Totally sucks but I guess it's another motivation for me to start losing that excessive amount of carbs and calories. :) This time, I swear I'm gonna lose weight. From today onwards I shall not eat after 8pm LATEST and I'll eat moderately and cut down on all that bubble tea I've been having everytime I have rehearsals which is...EVERYDAY! TSK. And I'll try jogging on weekends and not eat like food is free.
I need motivation to lose weight. Hahaha. Maybe I should like get stressed and not think about food. WAH WINNER LA IF THAT HAPPENS! (Y) Because it's not exactly easy to get me all stressed out. HAHAHAHAHA
Obviously I'm dying of boredom. I'm so tempted to skip/partial Maths lesson tmr. idk eh. Okay, Let's see how it goes. I'm praying hard that the faci wont turn up. :D But chances are, I wont skip. Cos...
Anyways, I DREAMT I WAS THE PINK RANGER last night! \m/ COOL OR WOT?! :D
And did I mention I'm like the chubbiest person in my class? :( Totally sucks but I guess it's another motivation for me to start losing that excessive amount of carbs and calories. :) This time, I swear I'm gonna lose weight. From today onwards I shall not eat after 8pm LATEST and I'll eat moderately and cut down on all that bubble tea I've been having everytime I have rehearsals which is...EVERYDAY! TSK. And I'll try jogging on weekends and not eat like food is free.
I need motivation to lose weight. Hahaha. Maybe I should like get stressed and not think about food. WAH WINNER LA IF THAT HAPPENS! (Y) Because it's not exactly easy to get me all stressed out. HAHAHAHAHA
Obviously I'm dying of boredom. I'm so tempted to skip/partial Maths lesson tmr. idk eh. Okay, Let's see how it goes. I'm praying hard that the faci wont turn up. :D But chances are, I wont skip. Cos...
1) It's very unlike me to play truant even though people see me as those that would do such things.
2) I dont want my grades to be affected
3) I dont wanna have a bad record in my first year, YET.
4) If I wanna skip, i would head straight home to sleep. But since i have Rehearsals after school, I might as well stay through out the lesson right??

Little Miss Trouble. It really speaks to me. I swear SeeTheAss will agree with me WHOLEHEARTEDLY! And yes, I know, I look spastic. HAHHAHAH!
2) I dont want my grades to be affected
3) I dont wanna have a bad record in my first year, YET.
4) If I wanna skip, i would head straight home to sleep. But since i have Rehearsals after school, I might as well stay through out the lesson right??

Little Miss Trouble. It really speaks to me. I swear SeeTheAss will agree with me WHOLEHEARTEDLY! And yes, I know, I look spastic. HAHHAHAH!
YAWWWNN. I'm sleepy, irritated, lethargic and unwell. Holy cow. I wanna sleep and not wake up, forever. Can i? can i? Yes, I'm still emo. In fact, I'm feelin' really emo today. Sigh.
PS. That Marketing Faci has to bloody hell stop calling me YANA. -.- How many times must I tell her that it's YANYAN & NOT YANA!??!?!