Monday, October 19, 2009

mood: irritated
location: e36f
now playin':jiao faci talking to herself

*rolls eyes*

I am bored to the max. This faci is honestly......GEEZ! the word "BORING" is a grave understatement to describe her and not to mention, her voice. Seriously, I'm already so tired. I had insomnia till like 2 this morning. And I'm in a really bitchy mood. Her monotonous voice makes me feel even more sleepy. -.-


Tsk! depressing much. I reckon I'll sleep during the lesson soon. Anyways, to cheer US all up....I'll upload a photo tha I found in my phone. I was checking my phone cos I was deleting my stuffs and I got a shock when i saw this person's photo that made me laugh like mad!

"Hello. My name is Adib. I am Malay but I wish to be known as an Indian. Look at my Lao Tiko face. CUTE RIGHT? ^^"

HAHAHHAHAHAHAH~! NOT SHY LA! Use my phone to take his own photo. But okay la. This doesnt look as tiko as he usually looks. HAHAH. It's okay Adib. We're still friends no matter how tiko-ish you are. :) See! I toldcha. You wanted attention, I'll give you attention. HAHA. Gives me something to blog about. :D