mood: lazy
now playin': Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)
WORLD CUP STARTS TOMORROW! WOOHOOHOO! Mad excited! I mean chances are I don't know most of the players but who cares!? IT'S SOCCER BABY! WOOHOOHOO! WAKA WAKA EH EH! This song is mad catchy! hahahaha!
I'm fasting today and I'm still procrastinating on starting my SFM UT2 assignment. I prolly will screw up my SFM UT1. So UT2 is my only shot because UT3 will be a killer, no doubt about it. But it's so difficult to start on it. I'm just too lazy and like....oh no...I'm so screwed aren't I? :(
Oh and have I mentioned how black I am? Okay luh, not black (i sound really skin-ist). Jusr super d-duper TANNED! Like an hour after being at sentosa, my friends were like, "WAHLAO DIYANA! YOU DAMN CHAOTA ALR!" hahahaha! I'm like never gonna get my fair skin never again. I'm gonna go on hiatus from all under-the-sun activities. But wait, I still wanna go frisbee trainings! :(
Omg darling, I'm so proud of you. Can't wait for December so we can have a zillion meet ups to make up for the months we've lost. And please don't come back with an accent. Or i'll annoy you with MY aussie accent. THANKS. HAHHAHAHAA! LOVE YOU!
Anyways, I'll just leave yall with photos taken yesterday. & yall can see how black I am now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'll upload the Sentosa pics once ALL the photos are up on FB. :)

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