mood: Estatic
now playin': Those old hari raya songs
HAHAHA. Yeah okay, I know i know. Hari Raya isn't just all about ze money..BUT STILL...IT'S THE HIGHLIGHT. HAHA. Well, last time breaking fast for this Ramadan was a pretty solemn one. I mean I couldn't fast today (coughcoughgirlscoughproblemcough) but still, I was pretty sad and had goosebumps hearing the Takbir Raya. So fast how time flies.
Oh and I'd like to apologise if I have bitched about you in my blog or offended anyone intentionally or otherwise with my words. I will definitely try to filter my blog more often (keyword: TRY). And I also apologise if yall get annoyed with me always procrastinating my updates and all. But really, don't just judge me blindly please. Thanks. And I do hope I'm forgiven...Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Loves & Best Wishes,
Nurdiyana Tan YanYan
Well, I can definitely look forward to food (but abit sian ah. Like every house serves nearly same type of dishes) and money! Yes, I'm gonna get my money from visiting & also my pay for the advertorial I did last month for the NE.mation5. *beams*
I'm really very lazy to update. Can I update tomorrow when I'm bored? Cos pretty much, I can predict I will be. HAHAHAHAH. Standard. Need to sleep soon so I wont look like a nightmare later on. Oh by the way, IPA UT just now....SUCKKKKKKEDDD. It's like....GG. I saw the first question and I was like, "Nice. Did we even learn this?" Heck uh. 1 MORE TO GO AND I'M GONNA BE FREE! My september schedule is REALLY pack. I still have more upcoming plans. Need to find more time.
We had a surprise belated birthday celebration for dear Farrah Nair (aka LFC's future manager). She nearly cried. HAHAHAHAHA. Totally caught her off-guard. She is so easy to fool. I managed to decoy her. YAY ME! Didnt take many photos but I'll have to wait for it to be uploaded by the rest. :)
Got home late & then Intan tweeted something to me that was damn shocking...
(click to enlarge)
Okay, she told me that this pinky blog of mine was featured in this girl, Ryna's, blog. And i was like......
So I clicked on the link. CURIOUS LEH! I was superbly curious on what was being said. And then.....
(click to enlarge)

I saw a screenshot of my blog! HAHA! And she wrote,"This is Diyana. I find her tweets really funny and I keep visiting her blog time and time again." When she said "tweets", I suddenly remembered her. She followed me on twitter a long time ago and tweeted to me a few times. But I'll be frank, I never really took that much notice cos like y'know, random people follow you on twitter then they unfollow or something. So I replied her and all. But it never once occurred to me that she actually reads my blog! HAHA. And she reads my blog regularly at that! LIKE WOAH! Haha. I feel really flattered right now. :) Thanks for featuring my blog in your blog! :) HAHA. Sounds damn weird cos blog in her blog and now I'm blogging about it so it's like im blogging about her blog which has my blog featured in her blog.
I'll leave yall with a video of my dearest Fariza who did a Hari raya greeting all the way from Adelaide. (She's the girl in black & 2nd from the right btw.) And yeah okay, I'll upload the photos I've been meaning to upload as well. HAHAHAHAH.
(click for video & photos)
So till my next update....
These were the sibei overdued photos that were taken over the last few days of the semester. HAHAHAHAHHA.
left: steph & i
middle: yuting & i
right: alex, me, steph & kim)
left: Intan & I
right: me, Intan & Izzah
This was a photo that I think Intan took of the projection of my Interview done with Adib for his Socio lesson. HAHAHAH. THIS INTERVIEW HAD ALOT OF PROFANITIES. Cos Adib said really perverted stuff and I was hurling vulgarities at him, forgetting about the fact that he had to present the video. -.- HAHA
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