Hi. My name is Nurdiyana Tan YanYan. I don't like exams, tests, or anything that requires overworking my braincells. I'd usually give this facial expression when I'm thinking,"Okay...so can we end class now?" kthxbye.
I've been too busy with my life drama (no, I'm really not kidding. Sibei dramatic, idk for what also. TSK). Yall should follow me on Twitter for like non-stop updates. I'm contemplating making my twitter private. But there's a lot to consider so yeah.
I'll blog from my BB otw to school or whenever I have the time. Do subscribe and come back from time to time to check for updates (if you haven't subscribed/followed my blog that is) :) Will try updating tomorrow morning otw to school. Gotta mug for UT tmr. Sports Admin. GG.com.
*UT simply means Understanding Test. All RP students have to sit for these Tests. They're like exams. But we're so cool that we call it UTs. :)
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