Saturday, November 06, 2010

We all have our limits

mood: lethargic
now playin': Hoot - SNSD

Took me a long time contemplating if I should update. First and foremost, I didn't get into the Top 20 for the World's coolest Intern. BUT IT'S ALRIGHT. Really! :) I know I did my best & whether or not I get that internship from Standard Chartered, I already have an internship set up for me in my final year and based on my GPA, I'm all set for internship in the first semester in Year 3. WHOOP WHOOP! :D

So anyways, I have alot of things to update. Halloween's eve was spent @ Scape. Went to the Museum of Horror with Diana. The ghosts, mosnsters or whatever (which were actually humans dressed as them), kept following me and scaring me. No idea why. HAHA. I think they had a good time running around and camwhoring with me, word!

And I've finally gotten photos from my 18th birthday from both my sister & jolyn! (Actually, I got it like eons ago but just couldn't get around blogging it. ROFL.)

Last but not least, my surprise over @ Farrah's. :)

I'll end right here. Mad loads to update. Just pure lazy. Blame it on the fact I had to wake up uber early for school today. -_- tsk.

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