Sunday, January 16, 2011

I will laugh when it's funny, even if it's just SLIGHTLY funny. But don't expect me to be calm, laugh & play along if your comments are just plain rude, insensitive and hurtful. Like I clearly said, it wasn't like I WANTED to join the contest. And those comments, once or twice, it's funny. After that, it's just insensitive. I WILL take it personally. Especially if you're my friend and you know you've clearly crossed the line.

It was a good joke, great entertainment and I was actually a good sport to laugh at the funny comments at first. But that's not gna last. I tried, and I was a good sport until some mentally deranged morons spoilt the whole fun.

Call me a hypocrite or what, one thing's for sure, I've learnt not to take a joke too far. And my karma was getting sabo-ed. Jokes, I accept, insults & friends "LIKING" those insults? I'll not accept. If you're my friend, you'd know I have limits to how far a joke is carried.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

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