mood: baffledSo rare for me to blog at this hour...but...HAHAHA....
now playin': Mixtape - Butch Walker
So we're taking this School of Hospitality(SOH) module & one of the criteria of this module is to organise an event for the annual JIVE fiesta. So Saffwan's class decided to do a RP HUNKS & BABES CONTEST. In this contest, people were to email their photos or photos of their friends who they felt, were hunks/babes.
In other words....
So I did. HAHAHA. Being the cheeky me, I went to submit.....

YES! I SUBMITTED ADIB'S PHOTO. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. HANDSOME RIGHT? See sister, I told you I'll sabo but with a handsome-and-definitely-not-butch-looking photo of you! :D
And then...I felt uneasy. Cos faci, adib & the class (who were still laughing away at this photo) wanted to upload MY PHOTO. I WAS LIKE...YOU SAY WHUT? NO NO NO! No way. Paiseh until cannot paiseh already! Then after UT (which I'm clearly gonna flunk & cry), I met up with my Usuals! This time, Saffwan & Intan were like talking about idk what but I had a feeling it was something about one of my photo. When I asked, NONE OF THEM TOLD ME THE TRUTH. They just came up with some bull story, which till now, I don't know why the bloody hell I believed!
Went to Farrah's crib to hangout & order Macs. Then I saw Myn going through the babes & hunks fanpage on FB & then she giggled...So being kpo, I went to go see....and then....

Delayed reaction of like 15seconds before I realised what the hell happened. I went like...."KNNWTFNB WHO THE FUCK SUBMITTED MY PHOTO?" AND THEN EVERYONE JUST LAUGHED. Apparently, Intan & Saffwan already knew someone sent in my photo for the contest. And that person was....................MISS ELYSSA. THAT SNEAKY GIRL! HAHAHAHA. Never expected HER to do something so sneaky! HAHAHA.
But no, I was amused...and yeah...embarrassed. My confidence level isn't THAT high to be able to take this kind of competition. Paiseh x infinity! But no...I wasn't pissed....why?
I sabo-ed Adib, and I got sabo-ed back. HAHAHAHAH. Okay, I deserve this retribution....and then...this just got funnier...and funnier....AND NOW I'M STILL LAUGHING AS I'M TYPING THIS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
But no, I was amused...and yeah...embarrassed. My confidence level isn't THAT high to be able to take this kind of competition. Paiseh x infinity! But no...I wasn't pissed....why?
I sabo-ed Adib, and I got sabo-ed back. HAHAHAHAH. Okay, I deserve this retribution....and then...this just got funnier...and funnier....AND NOW I'M STILL LAUGHING AS I'M TYPING THIS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
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See! everything also like! HAHAHAHAHA. & that Raizen and his nonsense....must kena last warning! Hahahah! Idk why but I find this damn funneh! If that's not a good enough reason...then....
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HOW 'BOUT THIS? HAHAHAHAHAH FUNNY RIGHT? Kaoz, why do I have such funneh friends? All the ones who commented are guys. HAHAHA. Some of the comments really asking to kena bitch-slapped! But I don't take it to heart cos I think this is damn entertaining! HAHAHAHAHA.
Gotta say, I think this JIVE event by saff's class is gonna be the main attraction! (Y)
Gotta say, I think this JIVE event by saff's class is gonna be the main attraction! (Y)
No, I won't win. DUH. So little likes as compared to some with like 100 likes. & no, I don't care about this cos....
1) I was sabo-ed into it. But I'll thank Ely for making it so happening for me on fb & twitter! :)
2) This is purely for entertainment!
So whether or not I win, I know who'll support me. HAHAH CHEY CHEY. Macam paham only. Okay ah, enough of all these for tonight. If you wanna vote for me... (ROFL)....
Step 1: "like" this FB page - Hunks & Babes
Step 2: "like" my photo which is photo 26 or just click on this link
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Okay, Goodnight world. :)
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