Have yall ever looked back and realised how the cyberworld has taken over most of our lives?
Have yall ever looked back and realised how much simpler life was before Friendster, Myspace, Facebook and Twitter surfaced? The most you could do was basically....to IM, MSN or well, GOOGLE!
We end up pouring our heart out to FB & Twitter that we forget that other people see these statuses/tweets too. We forget that the people that might be involved with the way we feel might just be one of those reading it. More often than not, the cyberspace causes misunderstandings, miscommunications & tension. Because we pour our heart out and update these social networking sites without having thought it through. Why? It's because we need somewhere to vent it out, some place where we can just say it, get it off our chest for that moment.
(Which is why I usually delete my tweets that I posted in anger after I've simmered down. :/)
Do you realise that most of the time, people no longer ask you to your face/personally about something - be it a breakup or an argument or how you've been or whatever? Instead of asking, they look upon themselves find things out by getting into their "PI-mode" and visit your Facebook, Twitter and yes, your blog too! And from there, they make up their own conclusions of what exactly happened.
And this too, leads to unnecessary misunderstandings!
Example 1:
"A" updates her status on FB, "B" replies something bitchy & man! There it is! A BITCH FIGHT, RIGHT THERE!
Example 2:
"A" updates her status to something like,"I want bigger boobs" and all you need is one joker to "like" that status & tension would surround it all! :O
Nothing's personal anymore. Nothing much is hidden from the world (except for prolly your deepest secrets or something) because 3/4 of your life can be found right here, in the cyberworld. There's no longer that mystery or that curiousity of wanting to know more about someone because all of us are just a Facebook/Twitter/Blog away from finding everything out.
Imagine going on a date & before your date (assuming he/she is a total stranger or just a mere acquaintance) you both google each other, & find each other's facebook & before the date (which is for you both to get to know each other), you both ALREADY know each other!?!??!
So tell me,
Most importantly,
Last time it was like, "Hey, can I have your number?" Now it's, "Hey, can I have your fb/twitter name?" or "Hey, you're using Blackberry right? Can I have your BBM pin?" -____-
I miss the good ol' days when people wrote letters or they used their damn phones to CALL you instead of texting/whatsapping/bbm-ing you. That's why these days, when someone writes me a letter, it means more to me than anyone would ever imagine (apparently people make me out into this materialistic bitch, idkw)! To be brutally honest, although I use Whatsapp & BBM too, I pay more attention to people who text me via SMS. HAHAHAHAHA. No idea why but old fashion way is still better, imo.
Wasn't it so much easier way back then?
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