Monday, January 23, 2012

16 days in Australia! (Part 3)

mood: Lazy
now playin': Beautiful Mess - Miranda Cosgrove
(This post was in my drafts since 4th October 2011. -.- Really been procrastinating. Sorry yo!)

Day 4:

Roadtrip to Ladybay to drop by the golf course. It was Nothing much to say except it was clean, green & BLOODY MASSIVE! Headed to Victor Habor afterwards. Climbed a steep hill to get to the top to admire the view. And it was magnificent! The air, the wind & just everything! It was breathtaking! I felt serenity, tranquility. I know it sounds so "Meh, this girl confirm watched too many movies!" But it really felt like I was away from all the noise, the busy-ness, the rush...just everything. The sea was crazy blue! The coastal lines were splendid.


That's the hill we hadda climb!

The view of the town from halfway up the hill. Can't remember which town that was.


The wind was so strong, I fell on my ass. HAHAHAHA. Yes, THAT strong! And cos it was so strong, all my photos looked damn weird cos my hair was all over the place. But who cares right? The main this is the background & the experience! (Although, a gorgeous photo'd be awesome!)

Drove through Hanhdorf town. I slept 98% of the time we were on the road. A true pig, if I may say so myself! :/ Stopped at Windypoint where we got to see the sunset & how it was raining in town! Most awkward moment to see it rain in a town that was in our sight but it's not raining where we were!

Headed to Cali's after that for movies & pizza!

Gonna leave yall with the album link so I don't need to upload the photos here! :) Click HERE.

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