mood: dead beatIt's already December, the last month of the year. How time files init? I know i know, I've yet to blog about my trip. I have shitloads of posts in my drafts. Haha! There's a really really ABSOLUTELY LEGIT explanation behind it instead of my usual "I've been tired & kept procrastinating. I'll update soon." It's gonna be a long post, don't say I didn't warn ya! :)
now playin': Truth or Dare - Marianas Trench
So I'm down to my last 7 weeks of tertiary life and after this I'm gonna graduate. Up till now, the only reason why I took Sports & Leisure Management isn't because I like it but because I took it just for the diploma. Why didn't I take a course that I actually have passion in, you ask? Well, simply put, I have been changing my ambitions ever since forever! When I was young, I was so inspired by my mom that I wanted to be a teacher, I often played a role of a teacher with my friends and even Kitty (she's my pet cat for the past 11 years FYI)! But then I watched some stupid drama about doctors & I was like,"ma! I wanna be a doctor!" If you thought that was all, that isn't!
I've always been a very vocal and a pretty argumentative person. Most often than not during debates, I would win. (Not bragging, but you can ask those who've been with me during debate sessions.) So when I got into secondary school, that came in pretty well because I went through a whole lot of shit in secondary school when I was still a pretty good kid who barely used vulgarities and got bullied a lot since I was an "outsider from the east", a vice-chairperson, a student councillor & especially, teachers' pet. Yes, I was practically EVERY teacher's pet! HAHAHAHAHA. Teacherspet92. ^^ It came to a point where I changed drastically and had to stand up to all these shit going around.
Okay, I'm digressing here.
Back to the topic, everyone I knew felt I should be a lawyer because it didn't take me long to have something witty said in any argument that would let me have things my way and because of my vocal and argumentative nature, being a lawyer really was an interesting addition to all the ambitions I had. So I carried on that idea of wanting to be a lawyer throughout secondary school. But fun fact, I was very sociable and vocal that I realised, being in Mass Communication seemed like a pretty good idea too, so I made that my "back-up plan" along with my other back-up plan - a teacher. But along the way, I started to think,"Why not try out psychology? Sounds interesting what!" -.- And because I was scared of my results, I was like, meh, nursing shall be my LAST option. Which was another addition to my ambitions. Talk about being indecisive!
In no time, I was there, sitting in the hall where there were nervous chatters and one could practically smell the tension and nervousness that surrounded the hall, waiting for my O Levels result slip. I didn't know what to think because just the night before I had a dream which well, proved to be the direct opposite of reality. Cut the long story short, I saw ALL my ambitions go up in flames. Read HERE
Okay maybe not ALL but majority! All I was left with was either mass com or nursing or something else. Blablabla, I decided to take sports cos it was upcoming and well, I like planning events and most importantly, I just want a diploma. RP was never my choice until the day I had no choice. Didn't help that RP had a pretty horrible repute cos it was new. But I never regretted choosing RP. NEVER. Read my blog post about getting into RP HERE. All I've regretted was taking this course. I didn't take up nursing cos I decided it was shit (and cos nursing wasn't my first choice, i wasn't given it either) and I didn't take Mass comm cos...well....I was told it was not a good idea cos there wasn't much job opportunities at that time.
Now that I WANT to get into a university and get a Bachelor's degree, I want to do a course that I LIKE, WANT & HAVE THE PASSION in. I found my passion in RP. I like meeting new people, getting to socialize, network and liaise with others. Most importantly, I like being in the front. Through all that emceeing, presentations and my recent internship, I'm even more certain of my passion to be in.........
wait for it...............
WAIT FOR IT......................................
Yup! A whole new field! I'm extremely certain that this is what I want. Why? Because not only do I have the passion (passion lasts longer than anything else imo) and skills for it, it is the ONLY ambition I've had that lasted a whole 3years! It's also the ONLY ambition that I want SO BADLY that I've researched so much on. Suffice to say, I would go the extra mile just to ensure that I do well enough to get a degree course majoring in Public Relations! For those who have followed me on Twitter for a long time, yall would know how many gazillion times I've said,"I really hope I can get in Murdoch! or want murdoch!"
I'm graduating in less than 3months, so I decided to go ahead to find myself a university. There was a Uni Fair held in RP where I asked my mom to come down to have a look & sit down for the talks with me. The first booth I headed to was none other than Murdoch. And let's just say I went to most booths that weren't local universities.
I know people have been calling me a spoiled brat cos whenever someone asks me what I wanna do after graduation, I say I wanna go straight to Uni & when they ask me why not work, I reply,"If I've the passion to study right now, I'm not going to risk that passion and go to work first. My parents agreed on that and are alright with it. So I don't see why I shouldn't just continue on to get a degree straightaway." No idea why that makes me out as a spoiled brat. I'm getting sick of people using that term on me. -_______- I mean, if you have the passion & then you go to work, how sure are you that a few years down the road, you lost that interest to study? Wouldn't that just be a waste? After all, I AM considering working part-time or something, depending on the workload and if I can cope with my studies because like what I told my parents, I don't want to force myself to work part-time if I have difficulties coping, because I don't wanna put my studies in jeopardy, especially since uni fees aren't at all cheap!
Ever since the uni fair in RP, I couldn't help but to keep going for uni fairs to make sure that choosing Murdoch would be a right choice & there wasn't something better out there. I wanted to be really sure. Trust me, no one understands how stressed I felt because of this. -_- It was a big issue to me.
I chose Murdoch because
1) It's one of the top universities for Public Relations
2) It's in Australia
3) It's the only uni that offers me PR without having to do any accounting shenanigans
4) I can study half in SG & then transfer to Perth to continue & finish up my degree since it'd be cheaper than me studying the whole course there
Of course it's pricy and all but considering that I really do want this so much and I still wanna continue studying, why not right? I mean, I wanted to study in Perth for the whole duration of the course and everyone was reluctant (I've never been out on my own till my recent trip where I got homesick after merely 6days! -.-) but...I don't like the idea of leaving my family (esp mom) & having to stay alone (bloody depressin' imo). Yeah, I know I'm so spoiled, I'm no dependent on others. So blablabla. Whatevs. Anyways, I also felt that it'd be cheaper too if I studied a year in SG first. See! I'm trying to find a cheaper alternative. So quit calling me spoiled brat or I will stuff my dirtiest shoes down your throat.
So, I applied for Murdoch on the 26th of November, after going for nearly ALL the uni fairs that have been held around Singapore (I'm really kiasu, I know!) And based on my current GPA from the past 5 semesters, I was accepted but was told to wait for an email offering me the degree course.
3 days later...........

It's confirmed!
I've secured my spot in Murdoch! I chose to take a double major with my 1st major, Public Relations & Mass Comm as my 2nd. Everyone I know were like,"HA! I KNEW IT! I knew you were going to be in the communication!" or "your so mass comm-ish! knew you'd be in it sooner or later!" or "Youre so vocal, it'd be a pity if you didnt choose PR!" HAHAHAHA! So thankful to have my family behind supporting me with my choice & thank everyone who congratulated me, be it over fb, twitter, text or in person! So much love! :D Hopefully all works out well. Absolutely stoked & definitely blessed! Can't wait for 2012!
So basically, the reasons why I've not been updating is because I've been really busy with finding a uni & applying for it to secure a spot, with school, catching up with friends, preparing for my sis' wedding coming up, attending and all. All that being said, THIS IS A VERY LONG POST! Hope yall haven't been bored! I'm feeling woozy from the meds. Yes, I'm really unwell and yet I've blogged sucha long post. I deserve a praise! Till next time~ x
I've secured my spot in Murdoch! I chose to take a double major with my 1st major, Public Relations & Mass Comm as my 2nd. Everyone I know were like,"HA! I KNEW IT! I knew you were going to be in the communication!" or "your so mass comm-ish! knew you'd be in it sooner or later!" or "Youre so vocal, it'd be a pity if you didnt choose PR!" HAHAHAHA! So thankful to have my family behind supporting me with my choice & thank everyone who congratulated me, be it over fb, twitter, text or in person! So much love! :D Hopefully all works out well. Absolutely stoked & definitely blessed! Can't wait for 2012!
So basically, the reasons why I've not been updating is because I've been really busy with finding a uni & applying for it to secure a spot, with school, catching up with friends, preparing for my sis' wedding coming up, attending and all. All that being said, THIS IS A VERY LONG POST! Hope yall haven't been bored! I'm feeling woozy from the meds. Yes, I'm really unwell and yet I've blogged sucha long post. I deserve a praise! Till next time~ x
I managed to finish the post. Am I going to be praised? :)
Congrats sister. It's a joy being able to pursue what you are good in. Till today, I never knew what I am good in.
Kudos on finishing! :D Thank you! Yes it is. I really hope that my passion for this never dies. :) 'S alright. We all take time to know ourselves and we all do so at different paces. Maybe you'll realise yours in the near future! :)
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